Listen to the blackbirds 🎶
Saturday February 18, 2023 We had a wee bit of melting yesterday and unfortunately that makes the paths even harder to maneuver because of the layer of ice on top. Oh boy. Slow and easy wins the race here. I … Continued
Saturday February 18, 2023 We had a wee bit of melting yesterday and unfortunately that makes the paths even harder to maneuver because of the layer of ice on top. Oh boy. Slow and easy wins the race here. I … Continued
Friday, February 17, 2023 Nothing newsworthy here today so I’ll leave you with a photo as always. Garbo the barn cat comes from her ‘hay cave’ in the hay barn when she hears me in the girls barn. She’s quite … Continued
Thursday, February 16, 2023 It’s a lovely -4° as I type and that explains why nothing is melting. Ha. Our son came to pick up his dog yesterday and was so helpful digging some fence panels out of deep snow … Continued
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Almost every day I get a message from someone who wants to know if we’re open. I understand. If you live in Salt Lake City or an any lower elevations around here, you might think we … Continued
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 Oh it’s Valentine’s Day again! With all the pressure! Choose the right card, dine out, dine in? Gifts or no gifts? Roses are double the cost today. And what if you’re single, and maybe happy to … Continued
Monday, February 13, 2023 Having an extra dog in the house while our dog door is still buried makes me anxious for more melting! First world problem for sure but it feel like i let a dog in or out about … Continued
Sunday, February 12, 2023 Hey, it’s Super Bowl Sunday! If you’re in to it, I hope your team wins. Party on! We might see temps above freeing today and I have one gate I’ve been eyeing so I might see … Continued
Saturday, February 11, 2023 I heard a redwing blackbird singing yesterday! That sweet sound is our first promise that spring is coming and I absolutely love it. I can even hear him singing this morning as I sit in my … Continued
Friday, February 10, 2023 We have a special house guest this week and she’s so easy. The is the place where she first met her “parents” so she’s quite comfortable here. If you want to read Cassie’s story, go here. … Continued
Thursday, February 9, 2023 ‘No snow’ the forecast said, so I put the girls favorite hay out on the snow to encourage them to get out of the barn. I had to laugh when an hour later it started snowing … Continued
Wednesday February 8, 2023 We have enjoyed a few days without new snow but when I look out the window I’m reminded we are still in the grip of deep winter. We did clear more snow for the alpacas … Continued
Sunday, February 5, 2023 For a really fun day at the ranch try chasing dogs through 3 feet of deep snow with a hard crusty layer of ice on top. Oh yeah. We have been surprised that Blue and Juno … Continued