Doll making with alpaca fibers
Tuesday May 19, 2020 My “fiber studio” is a area in the garage where I store years of accumulated bits of every fibery thing I’ve done over the years. So when my daughter suggested we take a course of … Continued
Tuesday May 19, 2020 My “fiber studio” is a area in the garage where I store years of accumulated bits of every fibery thing I’ve done over the years. So when my daughter suggested we take a course of … Continued
Monday May 18, 2020 Most of the state of Utah has now moved to a Yellow or Low risk level of restrictions for Covid 19. But not our county. Because we are in the same county as Park City we … Continued
Sunday May 17, 2020 He arrived 2 months ago, a tiny white ball of fluff. We had a safe place ready for him in the barn and had hopes that Chief and Charlotte would accept him to the guardian pack. … Continued
Saturday May 16, 2020 Even without visitors, we manage to stay pretty busy here. The girls barn is getting a good cleaning today and I’m still getting the grass seed sown in the weak areas. And of course all the … Continued
Friday May 15, 2020 We have a shearing date! We will be harvesting the fleeces on Friday June 5. We have our team of regular helpers available to help and we’re still trying to be social distancing so we most … Continued
Thursday May 14, 2020 Taking care of your mental health is so critical these days. Is your temper a bit short? Are you pushed to tears by almost nothing? It’s hard! I get it. Whether you’re working and risking your … Continued
Wednesday May 13, 2020 The trees in Woodland are just barely starting to leaf out. We generally get our spring about 2 weeks later than Salt Lake City and other lower elevation areas. That means we appreciate it more I … Continued
Tuesday May 12, 2020 What I ask myself every day is – What am I willing to risk to reopen? Am I willing to risk that someone who visits us here might get sick? Nope. Am I willing to risk … Continued
Monday May 11, 2020 It’s always a good Mother’s Day when I hear from all 3 of my kids. And even more special because our Salt Lake City family came for a Mother’s Day visit! We were mostly outside, chairs … Continued
Sunday May 10, 2020 Happy Mother’s Day! To new moms and old moms, adoptive moms, step moms, moms in heaven, moms to animals and 4 legged moms – thank you for taking care of the ones you love. ❤️ Alpacas … Continued
Saturday May 9, 2020 As many of you probably are, I’ve been trying to find a mask that I can wear if I go out in public these days. I ordered a few on line, one didn’t fit at all, … Continued
Friday May 8, 2020 In between chasing puppies and caring for the alpacas, I’ve enrolled in 2 on-line classes this month. One is a photography class from my favorite teacher, Kim Klassen and the other is a new venture into … Continued
Thursday May 7, 2020 Oh those puppy boys sure do keep me busy. And their personalities are emerging in such different ways. They are both purebred pups and both showing signs true to their breed. Blue, the Great Pyrenees is … Continued
Wednesday May 6, 2020 We finally decide to let some of the alpacas enjoy the new property and they were so excited running all over they forgot to eat the grass! Ed has worked so hard to get the perimeter … Continued