More daylight!
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Ahhh, that extra daylight is tricking me into staying out with the animals longer these days. In the winter months I don’t use a clock I just keep an eye on the sun to know when … Continued
Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Ahhh, that extra daylight is tricking me into staying out with the animals longer these days. In the winter months I don’t use a clock I just keep an eye on the sun to know when … Continued
Monday, February 22, 2021 We made more memories at Yaya’s with a fun halter training afternoon yesterday. Each of the 4 tweener boys had time to practice walking with gentle encouragement and although we didn’t get to take them out … Continued
Sunday, February 21, 2021 The plan today was to take the tweener boys out for a walk. Two boys for my grandson, two boys for me. But the new snow over night might make it a bit challenging to walk … Continued
Saturday, February 20, 2021 The puppy boys are slowly healing after their unfortunate incident yesterday and I think they’ll both be fine. Years ago we had two Great Pyrenees brothers who occasionally would try to kill each other. Talk about … Continued
Friday, February 19, 2021 More snow is expected for us today, but it’s OK, my little helper shoveled paths all over the ranch for me. He also loves “ice fishing” at the creek and using my hay sled as a … Continued
Thursday, February 18, 2021 The redwing blackbirds are still singing and the sun is trying to come out from behind the clouds. Our grandson is coming for a little visit and we’re all happy about that. Though we are still … Continued
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 Who needs a tropical vacation? Anyone? Everyone?!? Oh my, doesn’t that sound great? (Thanks for putting that thought in my head Jen J 😊) Actually I haven’t been away from here in so long I think … Continued
Tuesday, February 16, 2021 Finally we got a storm that delivered! Poor Ed will have to drive to Salt Lake City today for a Dr. appointment. The plows are out but it looks like it will be slow going at … Continued
Monday, February 15, 2021 It was almost like a minor miracle. We just woke up in time to watch Blue climb over the no climb fencing into the new pasture. We were getting ready for another day of chasing him, … Continued
Sunday, February 14, 2021 It’s Valentine’s Day! Sometimes I think Valentine’s Day is hard for a lot of people if they’re not in a good loving relationship at the time. Please remember it’s just a manufactured holiday to help retailers … Continued
Saturday, February 13, 2021 It’s Saturday, it’s snowing, and I can see Blue in the pasture chewing on something. What could be better? Ed is working as hard as he can to connect the hot wire fence that we have … Continued
Friday, February 12, 2021 Sitting at my doll making table is actually therapeutic for me. After dealing with Blue and his every growing fence climbing skills and some work going on in the house I found my quiet old wooden … Continued
Thursday, February 11, 2021 Yesterday after we watched Blue scale a 5 foot “no climb” fence with ease, we at least saw his escape route. Ed added a cattle panel to it and now he just stares at it. I’m … Continued