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Tuesday, June 15, 2021 We now have “beach access” open at the creek from morning til dusk. The animals have learned to self regulate their time in the water and in the shade. It looks like the heat wave will … Continued
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 We now have “beach access” open at the creek from morning til dusk. The animals have learned to self regulate their time in the water and in the shade. It looks like the heat wave will … Continued
Monday, June 14, 2021 The heat continues and we’ve all agreed no one moves between 1 PM and 3 PM. There are two things that I am grateful for, number one our nighttime temps will get down into the 40sor … Continued
Sunday, June 13, 2021 Every time I’m out side I try to have a dog rake and comb in my apron pocket to do more grooming on the guardian dogs. Charlotte is almost done, she’s most agreeable and loves to … Continued
Saturday, June 12, 2021 Do you think animals will self medicate if given the choice? I do. The alpacas love plantain, common mallow and mint (which all have medicinal properties) and they seem to know which ones they need to … Continued
Friday, June 11, 2021 A very chilly morning (27 degrees) is a problem for tender plants but not for fully fleeced alpacas. And I hope they enjoy every bit of it because the heat is coming back next week. We … Continued
Thursday, June 10, 2021 So we’ve had a little bump in the road. Instead of shearing tomorrow we will be shearing someday in the future and as of right now we don’t even know when that is. I received an … Continued
Wednesday, June 9, 2021 The youngest members of the herd are the 2 year old sons of Romulus; Roman, Ryder, Rocky and Remy. Their cria fleeces that we gathered last year were lovely, but this year is the year I’ll … Continued
Tuesday, June 8, 2021 The alpaca girls had their last “beach party” at the creek yesterday. From now til shearing day (Friday) they need to stay dry. We’ll add a fence today so the boys will have to do the … Continued
Monday, June 7, 2021 I just noticed we have a chance for frost the night after shearing. Of course! lol The alpacas might be chilly but they’ll be OK. But I’ve halted my planting efforts until after next weekend. Local … Continued
Sunday, June 6, 2021 The barn is slowly starting to look like shearing day is right around the corner. All bits of leftover hay have been removed, floor has been swept and next I’ll assemble the fencing. I need to … Continued
Saturday, June 5, 2021 So how’s retirement going? Or Chapter 4 of “a Spouse in the House”. It’s actually been kinda fun. No alarm clock (except for the dogs), no rushing to get farm chores done after work or on … Continued
Thursday, June 3, 2021 When a mad love affair is going on right under your nose, sometime you just have to stop and notice it. Belle helped us pick Banjo from his litter mates and she was very insistent that … Continued
Wednesday, June 2, 2021 I spent every available hour of quiet time at the doll making table this past week and finally finished 2 dolls. One will be on her way to a new keeper this morning and one is … Continued