A bump in the road

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Thursday, June 10, 2021 So we’ve had a little bump in the road. Instead of shearing tomorrow we will be shearing someday in the future and as of right now we don’t even know when that is. I received an email yesterday morning from my shearer telling me that his entire crew quit. I am probably one of the least reactive people you will ever meet but this got me riled. Alpaca farms have to book with their shearers the year before the summer they need them. So to say we have been planning this day for a long time would be an understatement. This is also the reason it’s almost impossible to find a new shearer at this late in the season. So he’s trying to regroup and find find a replacement crew and I’ll let you know as soon as I know when our shearing will happen. Now my job is just to keep the alpacas cool until that day happens.

How did I calm myself down? I sat on the porch and called my sister in Chicago, I sat in the barn with the alpacas and guardian dogs and I realized that this too shall pass. And it will.

Photo of the Day:  And now we wait, with fans blowing and fleeces still growing. 

6 Responses

  1. Cathy

    This is a really low blow! Poor alpacas! Is it possible for him to come and have you all help him? Take two or three days to do what would usually only take him and his crew a day to do?

    • Linda

      We considered that, but we’d probably have injured animals and people. Restraining and shearing alpacas is not as easy as you might think. With both of us in our 70’s we need to avoid injuries to us as well.


    Low blow is an understatement! I can’t imagine what those poor animalsay go through if not sheared soon. Hope the guy figures something out soon!

  3. Jen Johnson

    Oh my stars! Was this Brian’s crew? He was here in April and all the guys were awesome. This makes me SO sad and stressed for you! I’m happy to help anyway I can. Sending thoughts & prayers your way that a solution will be found quickly.

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