Prepping for winter
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 I’m grateful that we have all 4 seasons to enjoy here, but I will tell you that prepping for winter is the most labor intensive and starts now. There is much to be done to insure … Continued
Tuesday, September 21, 2021 I’m grateful that we have all 4 seasons to enjoy here, but I will tell you that prepping for winter is the most labor intensive and starts now. There is much to be done to insure … Continued
Monday, September 20, 2021 We have some cold nights in the forecast but last night they predicted a low of 37° so I didn’t worry too much. But when I got up it was 27° here so anything I left … Continued
Sunday, September 19, 2021 Even though we have cancelled our big event, we are still doing private tours at Blue Moon Ranch. I do love to share the alpacas and our magical place with visitors especially at this beautiful time … Continued
Friday, September 17, 2021 Thursdays are now homeschooling days at the ranch for our grandson. It’s working out well! He makes a list of all the assignment he needs to tackle for the day and when he’s done, he gets … Continued
Thursday, September 16, 2021 We saw our first snowflake in the forecast for next week and that means we better get a hustle on the rest of the end of summer projects. I will admit it’s nice having Ed here … Continued
Wednesday, September 15, 2021 It’s probably obvious by now, but I should make it official. We have come to the decision that we cannot safely host our Fall Open Barn Days like we have done every fall since 1999. (except … Continued
Monday, September 13, 2021 I get an automated reminder every morning to let me know what is on my schedule each day and today it said I have no events, tours or reminders. Yahoo! I’ll take it! Feeding all the … Continued
Sunday, September 12, 2021 With as many people as we had working here last week it was bound to happen. A car pulled in the driveway and the driver said “I think one of your dogs is out”. Oy. So … Continued
Saturday, September 11, 2021 Everywhere you look today you will find memories and ways to honor those lost on 9/11 and thoughts on how that infamous day changed our lives. I hope you will find your own way to remember … Continued
Friday, September 10, 2021 It’s been a very busy few weeks here, and the doll making table has been active too. These three lovely ladies will be in the store when it opens on Oct 1 along with at least … Continued
Thursday, September 9, 2021 Busy times. Added to the construction in the barn and on the deck, we agreed to have our grandson do homeschooling here on Thursdays this year! And we just found out we’re getting our last 500 … Continued
Wednesday, September 8, 2021 One of the questions I’m asked most often on tours is “How long do they live?” I consider late teens to be old age and if they make it to 20, we’re really lucky. But then … Continued