Quiet house and a daily blog again
Saturday, August 6, 2022 The house is quiet again and we will miss the happy chaos from having that many kiddos here! But our life with just the 2 of us is pretty sweet too so don’t worry about us. … Continued
Saturday, August 6, 2022 The house is quiet again and we will miss the happy chaos from having that many kiddos here! But our life with just the 2 of us is pretty sweet too so don’t worry about us. … Continued
Friday, July 29, 2022 There was no rain in the forecast for us but we had a lovely downpour last night. My brother and sister in law in Kentucky would not be using the word “lovely” to describe the rain … Continued
Thursday, July 28, 2022 The tradition began with the gentle boy. When he turned 8 we decided he was old enough to learn to drive the tractor. And our next oldest grandson who was living in Bangkok at the time … Continued
Wednesday, July 27, 2022 We knew it would happen eventually. Since last fall, we’ve been expecting our roads to be torn uo to allow the city to replace a very old water system. Well as Murphy’s law would have it, … Continued
Monday, July 25, 2022 The thing that I was most stressed about before the family arrived was how my house dogs would react to living with little humans. Especially Banjo who still has quite a bit of puppy energy! The … Continued
Sunday July 24, 2022 If you live in Utah like we do, you know that today is a holiday, or is it, since it’s Sunday and Utah does not generally celebrate holidays on Sundays. Hmmmmm. But for the rest of … Continued
Thursday, July 21, 2022 Update on family reunion at the ranch…it’s going so well! Water balloon fights are perfect for these warm afternoons and we’ve also enjoyed corn hole games, bocce ball games, kid invented games and lots of laughing. … Continued
Sunday, July 17, 2022 The house is ready, the pantry and frig are both jammed with food. Let the family reunion begin. No farm tours for the next few weeks as we reunite with our family. It looks like the … Continued
Saturday, July 16, 2022 A bit of Utah history for you: Sheep production was the dominant livestock sector in Utah at the start of the 1900s, reaching a peak of nearly three million sheep and lambs by 1930. The … Continued
Friday, July 15, 2022 I spent almost the entire day in Salt Lake City yesterday shopping and getting prepared for our big family reunion. Shopping to feed 13 is sure different than than it is for 2! It actually was … Continued
Thursday July 14,2022 One of our visitors last week said to me “I bet you’re so glad the pandemic is over!” Ummm, honey, it ain’t over yet! I understand about 8 out of 10 Americans have had a covid infection, … Continued
Wednesday, July 13, 2022 A few days ago we had a load of dirt delivered to be spread over some low spots in front of the girls barn. But the alpacas and dogs are having such a good time with … Continued