Rain is welcome here!

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Sunday, August 7, 2022  I’m so grateful for these evening thunderstorms that have been rolling in lately. The guardian dogs don’t care much for the thunder and I have concerns about our second cutting of hay, but rain is always welcome here. It looks like we have a few dry days and then more rain later in the week. Perfect!  I’ve sort of been ignoring the fact that alpaca poop for the past few weeks and I have so much clean up work to catch up on! Farmer Ed helped me tackle the biggest area yesterday (thank you sweetie) and my pasture vacuum will help me with the rest as soon as things dry out.  Life is good!  Happy Sunday!

Photo of the Day:  No better place to be stuck during a rain storm than in the barn.

Especially if you’re stuck in there with alpacas. 😁 The big white girl eating out of the green wagon is our Millie who is the biggest alpaca I’ve ever seen! And yes she does love to eat. 


8 Responses

  1. Brenda

    ‘Love this rainy day video. ‘Such a clean, cozy spot to keep out of the rain! You are correct… Millie is a big girl!

    • Linda

      I copied this from a blog post I wrote about Millie a few years ago. Her mom was Appie who we lost a few years ago. So Millie is 11.

      “Today I’ll share with you the story of how our alpaca Millie got her name. The year was 2011 and I heard about a group of ladies who I believe were most interested in web cams, primarily watching birds if i remember correctly. To be clear, I was never in the group I just heard from them from time to time after they discovered our live alpaca cam.  A prominent member of the group was Milly Murray, I think she even bought yarn from me at one time. Milly Murray lived in Canada but members of the group were scattered all over the USA. I liked thinking that the alpaca cam gave them enjoyment as they chatted about what they saw. I was deeply saddened one day to hear that Millie Murray had passed away. So I told the group that if we had a female cria born that year I would name her Millie. And I did!  Millie Murray’s son also sent a medicine pouch made from the red leather of Millie’s motorcycle jacket with special contents inside to keep alpaca Millie healthy. I decided not to hang it around her neck as was intended but rather to hang it in the barn so it wouldn’t get snagged on anything. It hangs in the barn to this day. I’ve always wondered if that’s the reason that our alpaca Millie has grown to be one of the biggest healthiest alpacas I’ve ever seen.  I was a bit surprised when the group reached out to me and asked if they could send a memorial stone to be placed at Blue Moon Ranch because they thought Millie Murray would love that. Of course I said yes and Millie’s stone is still on display here.”


    So thankful for the rain! Can’t imagine running a farm in bad weather but you guys make it look somewhat easy and so gratifying. Thank you for all you do for these beautiful creatures.

    • Linda

      Thanks for your comment Kathie. Gratifying yes it is! But easy?, that’s just an illusion. 😂 I rarely share the hard stuff.

  3. jill jackson

    Thank you LINDA for responding with that blog! Now, I think Millie is my favorite!!

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