So far, so good.
Thursday August 8, 2019 How nice to have a recovery day with no crisis. 😁 Madeline’s baby has a name – he will be called Roman. And he was racing with Ryder last night! Rocky is close to being ready … Continued
Thursday August 8, 2019 How nice to have a recovery day with no crisis. 😁 Madeline’s baby has a name – he will be called Roman. And he was racing with Ryder last night! Rocky is close to being ready … Continued
Wednesday August 7 2019 Just in case you think it’s always perfect here with beautiful babies popping out easily, let me assure you yesterday did not go as planned. Actually it started out fine, Madeline had a normal easy birth … Continued
Tuesday August 6, 2019 Another ranch tour yesterday without a birth! They were sure hoping for one though. lol I’m not scheduling any tours for a few days so I can get caught up with pasture clean up and inventory … Continued
Monday August 5, 2019 The first thing I saw this morning as I looked outside was a beige flash racing around by himself. Ryder needs a playmate! Soon little buddy. We do have another private tour scheduled today – after … Continued
Sunday August 4, 2019 I was so sure we’d have a birth during or between our tours yesterday, but the other moms are still hanging on. However our visitors were all happy to meet our new baby who we have … Continued
Saturday August 2, 2019 We have our first baby! Not from Madeline who i am still watching closely but from Allegra, Ramona’s mom. Dad is Romulus of course. He arrived a little before 11 am and was running a few … Continued
Friday August 2, 2019 Yesterday was a “Yaya day” so I decided to take my grandson fishing. (thank you Beth for coming to check in on the preggers on your birthday) There’s a quaint little trout farm just a few … Continued
Thursday August 1, 2019 Each day as we host more tours, I wonder how I’d handle it if one of the moms starts into labor. Our tour group yesterday spent almost the whole time inside the barn with the girls … Continued
Wednesday July 31, 2019 Bogart, our orange tabby cat has been taking off for days at a time and worrying me. I suppose he could be showing up when I’m asleep but anyway I was very happy to have him … Continued
Tuesday July 30, 2019 The 3 tweener boys are doing well with their adjustment to life away from the girls. They haven’t even put a dent in the grass available for them in the walking paths and the night time … Continued
Monday July 29, 2019 Three baby fleeces are on their way to the best fiber mill in Utah this morning. Yes, that would be Spinderella’s. I spent about 2 hours on each fleece picking out hay and bits of vegetation … Continued
Sunday July 28 2019 I love the birds in Woodland and yesterday we had a special one as a visitor in the pasture. A sand hill crane came to check out a wet area in the girls pasture and stayed … Continued
Saturday July 27, 2019 Well I thought the low pressure that brought in the rain yesterday might have also encouraged one of the moms to start labor, but nope, not yet. We’re getting so close, but It’s all up to … Continued