Who got skunked?
Saturday, May 13, 2023 That unmistakable aroma of skunk hovers over Juno lately. eeeewwwww. Such is the life of a working dog who must keep all intruders out of the pastures. It’s not on her face, so she’s handling it … Continued
Saturday, May 13, 2023 That unmistakable aroma of skunk hovers over Juno lately. eeeewwwww. Such is the life of a working dog who must keep all intruders out of the pastures. It’s not on her face, so she’s handling it … Continued
Friday, May 12, 2023 Visitors often ask me how I can remember all the alpacas’ names. It’s really not that hard if you’re here every day. But also each one has a story, and that is what i remember. The … Continued
Thursday, May 11, 2023 At least one of our pastures is sub-irrigated. We have never watered it, yet it remains green spring through fall. The water runs under it and in some places it feels spongy when you walk on … Continued
Wednesday, May 10, 2023 Family visits make for late blog posts. But we are so happy to have our Boulder kids here for a visit. We have much to talk about so I will leave you with a photo for … Continued
Tuesday, May 9, 2023 I think it is a beautiful coincidence that the dogs start shedding their undercoats just when the birds are building their nests. Juno’s super soft undercoat is coming out in handfuls and when I see the … Continued
Monday, May 8, 2023 The orioles are back! I’ve had my cut oranges and grape jelly out for a few days now and yesterday I was thrilled to see their brilliant orange feathers. They probably wintered in Mexico which was … Continued
Sunday, May 7, 2023 The barn is clean enough for now, there is some leftover hay on the floor but that will be used for sleeping on when the nights get cold until just before shearing when we’ll do a … Continued
Saturday, May 6, 2023 The rain slowed down my progress yesterday, so I’m back to the barn clean up today. But the best news is that the rain added the right amount of magic to the big pile I’ve … Continued
Friday, May 5, 2023 Full moon energy swirling about, a lunar eclipse and Mercury is in Retrograde. The message for me is to just wait it out. No big decisions, no big plans, just chill and be observant. Well, that … Continued
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 The big barn clean out continues. I hope 2 or 3 more days will do it. All winter long when I don’t do daily clean up, it seems like such a grand idea. And then these … Continued
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 Warm weather is here for now and the snow continues to melt. The volcano (yes, we named our snow hills) on the back deck is almost gone and we might even be able to use the … Continued
Sunday April 30. 2023 The frogs are singing! Ever since we’ve lived in Woodland I’ve been fascinated by a unique spring phenomenon. Singing frogs! (Not very common in a desert state) These amazing little creatures bury themselves in the ground … Continued