Funny barn cats 😺😸
Tuesday February 25, 2020 The alpaca dryer balls are done and if you ordered some, I’ll be in touch today. I made enough to fill all orders but not enough to list them in the store yet. Maybe I’ll try … Continued
Tuesday February 25, 2020 The alpaca dryer balls are done and if you ordered some, I’ll be in touch today. I made enough to fill all orders but not enough to list them in the store yet. Maybe I’ll try … Continued
Monday February 24, 2020 So it’s back to the dryer ball factory for me today! lol My apologies to anyone waiting for an order but they will be done today. It’s all good. We had a nice restful weekend and … Continued
Saturday February 22, 2020 We’ve been pulled into the depths of a very cold winter weather pattern for the last few days with below zero nights but it seems we’ve all emerged unscathed. Temps will be above freezing for the … Continued
Friday February 21, 2020 My oh my we are booking a lot of private tours! March April and May are looking really busy here, with many Saturdays already claimed. Just like I never thought we’d have a sold out event, … Continued
Thursday February 20, 2020. It’s 14 below zero here this morning and that was not in the forecast at all. As soon as it’s light, I’ll bring the guardian dogs a bowl of warm water with a bit of meat … Continued
Wednesday February 19, 2020 Ohhh it’s a lovely 5 below zero here this morning, and the house dogs are romping outside because they can. It’s so nice having a young dog here to play with Belle when Cassie visits, we … Continued
Tuesday February 18, 2020 People have asked me how Ginger (our old labradoodle) is doing since we lost Jack, her buddy who was our oldest labradoodle. Actually she’s fine with it, she understands and knows it was the best thing … Continued
Monday February 17, 2020 It’s a beautiful sunny morning and all the new white snow has made everything look dreamlike here. I’ll have to get out there with my camera before any of it melts. I bet the skiers at … Continued
Sunday February 16, 2020 Another Open Barn Day is in the books and we want to thank everyone who came here to help us enjoy a winter day with the alpacas. Thanks to all those who bought tickets and to … Continued
Saturday February 15, 2020 Today is our Mid Winter Open barn day, which has been sold out for weeks. Why do we limit tickets to 250 people? Because in the winter, many of the paths are not passable, parking is … Continued
Friday February 14, 2020 It’s Valentine’s Day! Sometimes I think Valentine’s Day is hard for a lot of people if they’re not in a good loving relationship at the time. Even the pressure for kids in school can be overwhelming. … Continued
Thursday February 13, 2020 The snow levels are receding a bit and the alpacas are being more adventurous where they explore during the day. It’s good to see them out stretching their legs. We do have some ice building up … Continued
Wednesday February 12, 2020 Welcome to the dryer ball factory! lol I’ve had others make dryer balls for us in the past but it’s getting too expensive so I’m making them myself. It’s not hard at all, just a bit … Continued