Thank you!
Tuesday July 28, 2020. The packaging and shipping department will be busy today! Thank you! I made half of the new yarn available yesterday and we sold every single skein. Now after I ship round one and make sure everyone … Continued
Tuesday July 28, 2020. The packaging and shipping department will be busy today! Thank you! I made half of the new yarn available yesterday and we sold every single skein. Now after I ship round one and make sure everyone … Continued
Monday July 27, 2020 The house is too quiet this morning, except for dog wrestling, but the to do list has grown so long that it will work out just fine. The new yarn is now available in the store, … Continued
Sunday July 26, 2020 The kids are heading back to Salt Lake City today after a fun week at the farm. We made it our vacation too! If you’re a 10 year old, we have everything you’d need – snake … Continued
Saturday July 25, 2020 I did manage to get the yarn into skeins, and we’ve come up with the names, but I haven’t had the time to get it listed on the web store yet. We started with 2 of … Continued
Friday July 24, 2020 If you live in Utah like we do, you know that today is a holiday. But for the rest of the world it’s just another Pandemic Friday in July and you might wonder what the … Continued
Thursday July 23, 2020 The boys are making their adjustment to life in the big boys area really well. It’s usually not too hard because I let the moms wean them gradually over the second half of their first year. … Continued
Wednesday July 22, 2020 Today I’m grateful that I have my daughter and grandson visiting us for the week. To help cope with the challenges of pandemic parenting and working from home, each parent gives the other a little space … Continued
Tuesday July 21, 2020 The barn cats are happy that the new hay is stacked and they have a new playground for hunting mice. They do an excellent job and they have so much fun doing it. We try to … Continued
Monday July 20, 2020 People keep asking if we’re open yet. I consider it, then I read this post from a Utah yarn and fiber dyer Carolyn, “This morning I learned that a fellow yarn dyer with three young children … Continued
Sunday July 19, 2020 It’s one of those things that has to happen but it makes me sad nonetheless. All 4 little boys were moved over to the big boys barn last night. I was most concerned about Remy who … Continued
Saturday July 18, 2020 Living with 6 dogs can be challenging at times, entertaining all the time and boring never. Blue and Banjo, the puppies, are still young puppies, even though their size makes them seem older. Six month old … Continued
Friday July 17, 2020 Today I’m grateful I don’t live in the city. Especially in a city where people are still saying masks don’t work and they refuse to wear them. All they have to do is look at other … Continued
Thursday July 16, 2020 Well it’s about time to make the decision for 2021 crias. If I ask any one, I usually hear “Yes, have some babies again!” Because babies are joyful and sweet and it is a miracle to … Continued