Tuesday thoughts
Tuesday September 22, 2020 I started work on a new spirit doll and it feels good to be back at the doll making table. The medicine bundle has mint from our garden, rose petals and a beautiful amethyst crystal. Amethyst … Continued
Tuesday September 22, 2020 I started work on a new spirit doll and it feels good to be back at the doll making table. The medicine bundle has mint from our garden, rose petals and a beautiful amethyst crystal. Amethyst … Continued
Monday September 21, 2020 Ohhhh the darkness is coming back and I love it. Now in December and January, I’ll admit I do crave a bit of sunshine, but right about now, it’s perfect. When the sun goes down it … Continued
Sunday September 20, 2020 All dogs were quite vocal about something last night. It definitely sounded like more serious barking but it was too dark for me to see anything. And that is exactly why we have these dogs. I … Continued
Saturday September 19, 2020 It’s a cloudy gray morning here as we mourn the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was a powerful woman who fought for an American ideal: justice for all. We all owe her respect and gratitude … Continued
Friday September 18, 2020 Nothing like a burst water pipe under the house to make a Thursday evening complete. lol Locals take note: we called every single plumber in Summit and Wasatch county and not one called us back. (it … Continued
Thursday September 17, 2020 The kids are heading back home today and I am left feeling so grateful for these people I am lucky enough to call my family. Activity in the “fiber studio” will take up the slack as … Continued
Wednesday September 16, 2020 Our dear barn cats are all so unique. Garbo, the only girl, rules the bunch, Odin, the newest arrival is a glutton for love and being held by people and Bogart loves the alpacas. All 3 … Continued
Tuesday September 15, 2020 Man it feels so good to have family here! And what’s one more big dog when there are so many here already. lol Cassie is a mellow girl who fits in with the dog family just … Continued
Monday September 14, 2020 I haven’t seen my son and daughter in law who live in Boulder Utah since last Christmas. But that’s about to change today. 😁 They work at Hell’s Backbone Grill and wear masks and face shields … Continued
Sunday September 13, 2020 I was out in the boys barn last night making sure all the hay feeders were filled and that the little boys had plenty of water (They don’t have access to the automatic waterer yet) and … Continued
Saturday September 12, 2020 After the first frost, many little creatures like mice are looking for their winter homes. I know they’re kinda cute, but I scream like a little girl if I see one in my pantry. EEEEWWWW! I … Continued
Friday September 11, 2020 How can I type the date 9-11 and not remember? I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing and I bet you do too. Sending prayers today for the families who were devastated … Continued
Thursday September 10, 2020 How are you coping my friends? We’re 7 months into this crazy pandemic and I don’t actually see an end to it in the near future. A vaccine? Or do we just learn to live with … Continued
Wednesday September 9, 2020 Our Utah weather has been a bit intense lately. The National Weather Service officially reported a wind gust of 99 mph on Tuesday! More than 100,000 have lost power from the strong winds and many are … Continued