Pausing again
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 I made a change on our “Private Farm Tours” page on the website yesterday. Here is what it says “We are pausing booking any further private tours at this time. We are fully booked through November … Continued
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 I made a change on our “Private Farm Tours” page on the website yesterday. Here is what it says “We are pausing booking any further private tours at this time. We are fully booked through November … Continued
Monday, August 9, 2021 The smoke is still with us but seems to be better than when it came in on Friday. This too shall pass. The babies are doing great, I saw all 3 of them racing at first … Continued
Sunday, August 8, 2021 I generally unplug from my phone around 8 pm when I pick up my kindle and read. I “reattach” myself later the next morning when I’m ready. Time spent unplugged is good for mental health I … Continued
Saturday, August 7, 2021 A cold front pushed a wall of smoke from California and Oregon into Utah yesterday and we now have the worst air on the planet. (not an exaggeration) Mountains? What mountains, we can’t see a thing. … Continued
Friday, August 6, 2021 Blue continues to impress me with his self control and dedication around the babies. He 100% adores them but somehow he knows not to play with them or chase them. This often takes a young guardian … Continued
Thursday, August 5, 2021 With birthing season coming to an end I need to refocus some energy on the fleeces. I hope to have a grand selection of yarn and roving available in the online this fall store and it … Continued
Tuesday, August 3, 2021 Well, we’ve made it though one week without our big boy Chief. And I have to share some coincidences with you. Chief loved to chase trucks as they went down the road. Oh he stayed on … Continued
Monday August 2, 2021 After great conversations and much deliberation we have come up with a fitting name for our newest little girl. Of course we wanted it to start with R in honor of her dad Romulus. We will … Continued
Sunday, August 1, 2021 It’s been a hard week and it’s been a beautiful week. I can be sad that we lost Chief or I can be glad for the years we had with him. I can be worried about … Continued
Saturday, July 31, 2021 When our afternoon rains came yesterday I decided to sit in the barn with Blue to convince him that the thunder was OK. I also thought Ciara was acting very uncomfortable and wanted to keep an … Continued
Friday, July 30, 2021 Another rainstorm that wasn’t in the forecast doused us during the night. 🙏Thunder and lightening woke us at 2:00 am and I got up to check that the babies went into the barn. I could see … Continued
Thursday, July 29, 2021 We’ve been having brief but welcome rain most afternoons lately. But yesterday the clouds were fading and I announced, “it’s not going to rain, I’m opening the gate to the new property”. The alpacas including the … Continued
Wednesday, July 28, 2021 Thank you so much for all the comments on the loss of our big boy Chief. The hurt is deep but to know how many people shared feelings of sadness helps. The rain that came shortly … Continued