Beach day!
Thursday July 11, 2019 Last year, the creek area was closed for most of the summer because we hosted our son’s wedding in that area and we didn’t want to deal with “bean piles”. No wedding this year so the … Continued
Thursday July 11, 2019 Last year, the creek area was closed for most of the summer because we hosted our son’s wedding in that area and we didn’t want to deal with “bean piles”. No wedding this year so the … Continued
Wednesday July 10, 2019 Update on the pregnant girls: Marcella looks closest to her due date, with her mom Madeline right behind her. They both are carrying Romulus babies and they should be amazing. Official due date is not for … Continued
Tuesday July 9, 2019 Thank for checking in faithful readers! We had a fabulous family reunion In Jacksonville Beach Florida and made memories that will last for years. Five of the family members including the 3 youngest grandkids are moving … Continued
Wednesday July 3, 2019 We’ll be closed for a few days because we are having a family reunion! So all my attention will be focused on my grandkids. Yay. I will not be back to this blog page until some … Continued
Tuesday July 2, 2019 This is one of the greenest Julys I can remember, which means we haven’t seen any forest fires yet, which means the fireworks will be going off all over. ugh. I don’t think there is an … Continued
Monday July 1, 2019 If you’re a fan of the series “Yellowstone” with Kevin Costner you might be interested to know that they are filming in the neighborhood today. Traffic on Lower River Rd. will be stopped from time to … Continued
Sunday June 30, 2019 My hopes were for 4 babies to arrive in early august. But I’ve had enough experience with breeding alpacas that I know how rarely things go like I hope. However, I have seen proof of pregnancy … Continued
Saturday June 29, 2019 It seems the real summer weather has finally arrived. But nighttime temps are staying in the 40’s so it’s fine for keeping windows open. Now that I have removed the foxtail grasses I can allow the … Continued
Friday June 28, 2019 I like to think I work well with Mother Nature but occasionally there are challenges she tosses my way. Three that come to mind right now are #1 Magpies. #2 foxtails and #3 flies. The magpies … Continued
Thursday June 27, 2019 Woodland Utah is a pretty place most of the year, but June has got to be the prettiest. All decked out in green from head to toe, it’s no wonder we love living here. Blue Moon … Continued
Wednesday June 26, 2019 You might be wondering why haven’t the little boys been moved out of the female pasture yet. Mostly because I am a big softie. After shearing day, Rowdy couldn’t find his mom for a few minutes … Continued
Tuesday June 25, 2019 I learned many years ago what the #1 killer of alpacas is. It’s not a parasite, not an illness and not old age. It is stress. Stress opens the door for all those previously mentioned maladies … Continued
Monday June 24, 2019 Happy Monday friends! It’s a lovely 44 degrees here but the sun is shining brightly. The alpacas are wandering to the farthest pastures for their morning exercise and searching for the best grass. We did turn … Continued
Sunday June 23 So this is summer? I was so cold after evening chores last night, I asked Ed to make a fire. And he did. I would always rather be too cold than too warm while I’m outside, so … Continued