Thanks Utah.
Thursday July 25, 2019 Well thank you Utah for the little holiday in the middle of the week. It’s always fun when our kids are here and yesterday was no exception. As my daughter said, “These are the good old … Continued
Thursday July 25, 2019 Well thank you Utah for the little holiday in the middle of the week. It’s always fun when our kids are here and yesterday was no exception. As my daughter said, “These are the good old … Continued
Wednesday Joy 24, 2019 If you live in Utah like we do, you know that today is a holiday. But for the rest of the world it’s just another Wednesday in July and you might wonder what the fuss is … Continued
Tuesday July 23, 2019 Where do these alpacas give birth? Pretty much wherever they want to. I do not confine them or separate them from the herd as the end of the pregnancy approaches. Of course it would make it … Continued
Sunday July 21, 2019 The boys’ barn is finally cleared of all the winter hay and it’s so clean they’re not quite sure if they want to go in there. lol We got an early start on that project and … Continued
Saturday July 20, 2019. What do you call it when you wake up in the morning in middle of summer and it’s 45° outside and of course your windows are all wide open? Living in the mountains! Our cool night … Continued
Friday July 19, 2019 Well I think I found a service to help me with the ticket sales for our next event. I’ve been testing it out and it seems to be user friendly and will save me from needing … Continued
Thursday July 18, 2019 You know all creatures, including humans get a little amped up for a full moon. The full moon we had a few nights ago brought all kinds of night time activity to the farm to keep … Continued
Wednesday July 17, 2019 A wonderful creek runs through Blue Moon Ranch and is one of the many reasons I was first drawn to this magical property. It gives the alpacas a way to stay cool in the summer, it … Continued
Tuesday July 16, 2019 We got our first bunch of fleeces back last night in yarn and roving and I am over the moon excited. 5 more bags of fleece are in Ed’s trunk on the way to Salt Lake … Continued
Monday July 15, 2019 The hay is in and I wish I could smell it! It’s one of the sweetest smells on earth. (a head cold is preventing that) Actually we have 2 more loads that will be arriving in … Continued
Sunday July 14, 2019 Our first ever work party was a grand success! The weather gods cooperated greatly and kept it cool and cloudy until we were done. All 3 hay barns are cleared and ready for the new crop … Continued
Saturday July 13, 2019 One of the hardest things for me to do is to ask for help. But guess what, I did! And we are having a work party today to clear out the hay barns to get ready … Continued
Friday July 12, 2019 Every day I get messages from people who want to come visit – seriously every day. Many of them will book a private tour, but I know everyone cannot justify that fee. So we have decided … Continued