In praise of falling leaves 🍁
Tuesday October 22, 2019 The snow is almost all melted and the leaves are falling. I’m hoping all the leaves will be on the ground before our next snow storm, I don’t want to lose any more tree branches! As … Continued
Tuesday October 22, 2019 The snow is almost all melted and the leaves are falling. I’m hoping all the leaves will be on the ground before our next snow storm, I don’t want to lose any more tree branches! As … Continued
Monday October 21, 2019 The pastures are still white and there’s a chance for more snow today. Not a problem for us. 🙂 Did you know we do private tours all year long? Yes even in the snow. If the … Continued
Sunday October 20, 2019 Well we have our snow and other than some tree branches that broke from the heavy wet snow, all is well. The alpacas are all tucked in the barns. Our tour for today has cancelled, our … Continued
Saturday October 19, 2019 Shopper and private tours are scheduled today and all the snow has melted. More snow is predicted for Sunday and Monday – the dogs were just starting to enjoy the new white stuff to play in … Continued
Friday October 18, 2019 The pastures are all white this morning. ❄️ Snow started over night and when Belle saw it she ran out and did a little dance on the lawn for joy. We have a big dog door … Continued
Thursday October 17, 2019 Preparing for winter here is labor intensive but I really don’t mind it. Yesterday I spent most of the day on the Kubota filling in the dusting holes with aged compost. Some of them are huge … Continued
Wednesday October 16, 2019 If you recall, Rocky had a pretty serious hernia and I opted to treat it here rather than put him through surgery. He wore several different versions of a belly band until I figured out the … Continued
Tuesday October 15, 2019 While the web site was being up graded, I jetted off for a weekend in Santa Fe with two of my most favorite ladies on earth, my sister and my daughter. All 3 of us love … Continued
Thursday October 10, 2019 Oh my I wish I had been able to record the races here last night. Somehow, alpacas know when it’s going to get really cold and they run and run to build up internal heat before … Continued
Wednesday October 9, 2019 I like to think of us as a holistic farm. But I think there are a lot of misconceptions about what that means. To me it means that I take into account the whole animal before … Continued
Tuesday October 8, 2019 Animal neighbors are the best neighbors. No offense to the human ones, I just prefer the ones with 4 legs. I grew up in the city of Chicago where the houses were so close together we … Continued
Monday October 7, 2019 If opposites attract, no wonder we are together. His sock drawer is the most organized in the county, my socks are everywhere. He likes to plan ahead for everything, I love the last minute adrenaline to … Continued
Sunday October 6, 2019 The pastures are all white this morning from frost and at 20 degrees it’s no surprise. We’re planning fall projects this morning and which one of us gets to use the tractor today. I pick Me! … Continued
Saturday October 5, 2019 Private tours for today and I’m getting back in the swing of it. It’s a brisk 22 degrees here this morning but will be close to 60 by the time our visitors arrive, so just about … Continued