Find a quiet place
Tuesday December 3, 2019 December can be a stressful month for many. The daylight hours continue to shrink, while the list of things to do and buy gets longer. The animals in my life and the beautiful place I’m lucky … Continued
Tuesday December 3, 2019 December can be a stressful month for many. The daylight hours continue to shrink, while the list of things to do and buy gets longer. The animals in my life and the beautiful place I’m lucky … Continued
Monday December 2, 2019 The tree is up and today I’ll finish decorating it. 🎄 The barn has Christmas lights on and things are starting to look pretty festive around here. The house dogs are happily snoozing in my office … Continued
Sunday December 1, 2019 Thanks to all who showed up here for some holiday shopping yesterday! The kids who came enjoyed the snow off the paths we shoveled and many people came into the Yarn Barn and said they were … Continued
Saturday November 30, 2019 It’s Small Business Saturday. Wherever you live I’m sure you can find some small businesses in your community who really need your support today. Go visit them and show some local love. ❤️ We’ll be open … Continued
Friday November 29, 2019 The snow continues and family is gathered by the fire planning breakfast. It looks like a winter wonderland outside and we’re happy for extra bodies at our table. Yes, we’ll be open tomorrow for shoppers on … Continued
Thursday November 28, 2019 Turkey’s in the oven and family is on the way. We had so much wind yesterday and last night that we lost our tractor tent. It was just gone!! We found it near Yaya’s Yarn barn … Continued
Wednesday November 27, 2019 The winds are howling to make sure we don’t forget about the approaching storm. The snowplows are already out – thank God for those guys! The kitchen will be busy today as I get as much … Continued
Tuesday November 26, 2019 Everything is white and looking as it should this morning. Today we’ll have a reprieve from the snow which is perfect for last minute shopping for the feast on Thursday. I hear that winter weather will … Continued
Monday November 25, 2019 We spent a bit of time this weekend preparing for a blanket of snow to arrive this week. I think we’re ready and we got the Christmas lights up too. We won’t turn them on til … Continued
Sunday November 24, 2019 We’re planning to be open next Saturday for Small Business Saturday so I’ve been busy making sure we have lots of good inventory. 😊 our alpacas hats are probably our most popular item and they are … Continued
Saturday November 23, 2019 I like to have hay available at all times for the alpacas. I can tell how much to add or not from the condition of the feeders when I go out to refill them each day. … Continued
Friday November 22, 2019 The snow this week was not as serious as predicted, but it looks like next week we’ll get more. Yay! This one woman manure spreader is ready to call it done for the season! lol Some … Continued
Thursday November 21, 2019 The last time our grandson was here he asked if he could have some fiber to practice spinning. We always start spinning lessons on the drop spindle to remember the basics. And he was doing fine … Continued
Wednesday November 20, 2019 A little story about one of our girls today. I love the blue black fleeces and I saw a very black little female named Asia soon after she was born on a farm in Colorado. I … Continued