More Doll making
Tuesday July 14, 2020 I photographed the newest spirit doll and she was sold shortly after I listed her for sale. I am so very grateful that people seem to love these dolls that I love creating. She was made … Continued
Tuesday July 14, 2020 I photographed the newest spirit doll and she was sold shortly after I listed her for sale. I am so very grateful that people seem to love these dolls that I love creating. She was made … Continued
Monday July 13, 2020 It’s getting harder and harder to write a blog post about anything other that the current state of the USA, but this is not a place folks land to get a newsfeed, it’s snippet of farm … Continued
Sunday July 12, 2020 New hay will be delivered this morning and it’s always nice to check that off the list. We had a great team of helpers to move the leftover hay out and Blue loved meeting all of … Continued
Saturday July 11, 2020 Every Friday night for more years then I can remember we gathered at our favorite brewpub in Park City with a few friends. It was how we did Friday night. period All that came to a … Continued
Friday July 10, 2020 I’ve been noticing an abundance of bones all over the alpaca girl’s pasture. Did I really put that many bones out for the dogs? We do feed raw bones a lot, but something seemed off. Then … Continued
Thursday July 9, 2020 We woke up to a crisp 40 degrees here this morning and I’m reminded why we don’t have AC in the house. Sure there are a couple of nights in August that will be a tad … Continued
Wednesday July 8, 2020 The hate and divisiveness in our country is out of control. The littlest topic can be turned in to political debate that quickly escalates to vitriol. Does this bother you? Well it does me. Here is … Continued
Tuesday July 7, 2020 Well I was going to tell you about the new viking spirit doll I added to the store, but he was sold shortly after I listed him. (Thank you!) He had a shark’s tooth among other … Continued
Monday July 6, 2020 Happy 6 month birthday to the puppy boys. Blue turned 6 months old on July 4, as Banjo did on June 16. We celebrated by cutting them both down to 2 meals a day rather than … Continued
Sunday July 5, 2020 Well we made it through two nights of fireworks and all the animals did OK. One even enjoyed it! Banjo actually watched the fireworks sitting right next to Ed and seemed to enjoy the displays in … Continued
July 4, 2020 Happy 4th of July! One year ago today our family gathered in Florida to have a family reunion and celebrate the fact that I would turn 70 years old later that year. Such sweet memories! We all … Continued
Friday July 3, 2020 Well, we’ll find out tonight how our new pups do with fireworks. We have neighbors who always have quite a display on July 3 and I’m sure tonight will be no exception. Chief and Charlotte are … Continued
Thursday July 2, 2020 The alpacas are getting more and more comfortable on the new property and because the dogs can be with them, we leave the gate open until “bedtime”. Which is about 8 pm here, don’t judge. 😀 … Continued
Wednesday July 1, 2020 I knew I wanted to add some dolls of color to the collection and the rich brown alpaca fleece I had in my studio guided me to this spirit doll. Alpaca is not the easiest fiber … Continued