We had to try it

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Saturday July 11, 2020 Every Friday night for more years then I can remember we gathered at our favorite brewpub in Park City with a few friends. It was how we did Friday night. period  All that came to a halt with Covid, so we texted or sent photos and hoped we’d all see each other soon.  Ed and I did take out dinners on Friday night (and I started Face time Friday chats with my sister which was and still is wonderful). But the Friday night gang gathered no more.  So we did a thing. We asked them to come here and bring their own take out, their own beverages and be sure to keep at least 6 feet between us and you know what?  It worked! Even though not everyone was able to make it, it was so good to see those faces!  We even had a socially distanced walking tour of the new property. We are all told how to keep ourselves healthy and some time we need to remember that means mental health too. 😁

Meanwhile the number of new Covid in Utah are spiking and many still refusing to wear masks. ( I could go off here on so many different rants, but I’ll keep it G rated for today) So the numbers will continue to spike and who knows how we’ll get control of the situation. I long for leaders who could inspire people to do the right thing.

Hay delivery this weekend, cleaning out the hay barns this morning with new hay coming tomorrow. We’ll rest on Monday.

Stay well~

Photo of the day: Safe and happy to see each other even from a distance. Chief made sure we did it properly.

4 Responses

  1. Gigi Caito

    Your gathering looked wonderful. It is nice to see friends and family in the flesh! Cases spiking here in Indiana too and I see people without masks. I don’t get it either. I live in Indianapolis and we have a mask mandate and still people don’t comply. It is up to our Board of Health to monitor. I stay away from the non-compliers and passively aggressively give them the evil eye through my foggy glasses over my mask! Stay safe and well, Linda and Ed!

    • Linda

      I agree Gigi. What is so hard about doing a simple thing like wearing a mask? I heard some locals here say, “Oh if they require it, just tell them you have a health condition and you can’t wear one.” And then they laugh about it. That’s why we’re closed to visitors!

  2. Wendy Martinoni

    Being socially distant for so long is difficult for some but for an introvert like me, not hard at all. I just miss shopping in the grocery store and going to mall whenever I want. Those things are off the table until there’s a vaccine. Good news here in NJ, our governor is not folding under pressure and is digging in and opening slowly. We have a mask mandate that everyone must follow or not allowed in stores. The increase in cases here seem to be from folks insisting on vacationing in hot spots like Maryland, South Carolina and North Carolina beaches and then bringing it back. Signs on the interstate mandate re-entry into the state requires a 14-day quarantine or fine for residents and the same for visitors from 19 states in the country that are hot right now and spiking.
    I applaud your solution and agree that gathering responsibly is good for the mental health. However, I hear about many gatherings that aren’t responsible with folks not practicing social distancing. I also agree that without proper control of the situation as other countries have done, we will never have this thing contained. But too many people have their own ideas as to what’s a violation of their freedom and what isn’t. And mask wearing mandates seem to be high on their list of their rights infringement.

  3. Sunny

    I couldn’t tell what Great Pyr that is, wondering if he/she is “guarding” or waiting for food to drop. LOL Beautiful scene of peeps enjoying each other’s company.

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