Vote, then be calm
Tuesday November 3, 2020 I would hope most of Utah has already sent in mail in ballots, it’s the way we’ve done it for years. Anxiety is high, but non productive. So make sure your vote is in and counted, … Continued
Tuesday November 3, 2020 I would hope most of Utah has already sent in mail in ballots, it’s the way we’ve done it for years. Anxiety is high, but non productive. So make sure your vote is in and counted, … Continued
Monday November 2, 2020 Oh Blue, you made sure we got enough exercise this weekend didn’t you? Most of his escape routes this weekend involved underwater tunnels, but that just added to the fun for him. It does seem that … Continued
Sunday November 1, 2020 These are going to be a rough few days until the election is over. I’m tempted to make a blanket fort, take in a few good books and come out at the end of the week. … Continued
Saturday October 31, 2020 It’s a Blue Moon, Halloween and a scary time indeed! We used to love to have gatherings here on Blue Moons, and this sure could have been a fun one, but not this year. For the … Continued
Friday October 30, 2020 I don’t know how it’s looking where you are, but here in Utah the virus cases are going through the roof. I know we’re all getting tired of it, I hate wearing a mask as much … Continued
Wednesday October 28, 2020 The guardian dogs were warning something to stay away from the fence line last night and although it does wake me, I’m grateful to know that they are taking care of business out there. We have … Continued
Tuesday October 27, 2020 I think we’re coming out of the deep freeze but it was a nice practice run for the months ahead. All the barn cats have found their below zero warming stations and I know which animals … Continued
Monday October 26, 2020 It feels more like January than October! It’s 5 below zero as I type and everything outside is covered in white. My grandson and I spent hours yesterday making sure all animals had access to shelter, … Continued
Sunday October 25,2020 If you’re not a lover of the first snow of the year, you should see it through the eyes of a 10 year boy old and a puppy! OMG they are both so excited! lol It’s really … Continued
Saturday October 24, 2020 I love the idea of putting the pastures to bed for the winter with a light blanket of crushed alpaca beans. The only problem is that since our manure spreader broke down, it’s a manual job. … Continued
Friday October 23, 2020 Oh my goodness it’s chilly outside this morning! 11 degrees! Are you knitting yet? There’s something warm and lovely about feeling alpaca fiber slip through my fingers as I wrap it over the needles and … Continued
Thursday October 22, 2020 The animals provide such relief from the reality of our world these days. Sweet puppy Blue is 100% determined to get the cats to play with him. He’s been working on this goal since the day … Continued
Wednesday October 21, 2020 As promised, a new Viking Spirit Doll is in the store today. You can see him here. I find it fascinating how I have a plan in mind for a doll, but once I get my … Continued