Saturday June 24
Saturday, June 24, 2023 The rain comes out of nowhere most afternoons and I guess that’s life in the mountains. And I love it. But Farmer Ed is getting the irrigation system ready anyway. Hot and dry weather will be … Continued
Saturday, June 24, 2023 The rain comes out of nowhere most afternoons and I guess that’s life in the mountains. And I love it. But Farmer Ed is getting the irrigation system ready anyway. Hot and dry weather will be … Continued
Friday, June 23, 2023 I managed to wash and dry my winter handspun just in time to get it hung in the store before the afternoon rain. No rain was in the forecast but that means nothing any more. I … Continued
Thursday, June 22, 2023 The barn cats are always bothered by shearing day and usually retreat to the hay barn for a while. Mice and voles are plentiful this year, they certainly have that fresh food available if they chose. … Continued
Wednesday, June 21, 2023 Happy Summer Solstice! What will you do on this longest day of the year? I plan to start opening our fleece bags and get them ready for processing. I also have a bunch of my handspun … Continued
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 It’s the last official day of spring and we’re enjoying a lovely soft rain this morning. This has been the wettest spring I can remember and I’m good with it! (As long as this wet weather … Continued
Monday, June 19, 2023 Since I’m not waiting for alpaca babies to arrive I got to go to the Utah Scottish Festival! The forecast said rain all day for Salt Lake City so we packed our umbrellas and off we … Continued
Sunday, June 18, 2023 Happy Fathers Day! There is something wonderful about a strong man who can show a soft side as he cares for the little ones in his life. Today we honor all the fathers who care for, … Continued
Saturday, June 17, 2023 It’s been dipping into the 30’s at night lately and of course I fret about any of the alpacas getting too cold! But they remind me they are not little naked babies and they are really … Continued
Friday, June 16, 2023. It rained all morning yesterday and the temp was about 45°. I considered cancelling our tour, but this seems to be a new weather pattern for us so I figured we’d just have to go with … Continued
Thursday, June 15, 2023 Visitors often ask me if the alpacas like shearing day. Umm, absolutely not. They do not like being confined the night before, they do not like being restrained for their turn on the shearing mat, but … Continued
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 Our kids are here and I am posting just so you don’t think I fell off the earth. But I’m going to spend time with them rather than at the computer. I’ll be back tomorrow with … Continued
Tuesday, June 13, 2023 Our kids from Boulder are coming today for a little visit visit and I have tours all week long. But as soon as I have a minute, I’ll start on the the fleeces. I examined many … Continued
Monday, June 12, 2023 Details of shearing day are still swirling in my head and one amazing thing that happened wasn’t even about the alpacas! Blue got a haircut too! When we got started shearing, he was busy eating alpaca … Continued
Sunday, June 11, 2023. Shearing day 2023 is behind us. yay! The forecast promised us rain at noon, but by some magic it held off until we were finished shearing the last alpaca. And even then it was only a … Continued