Happy Charlotte
Monday July 30, 2018 We woke up to a very chilly 39° in Woodland this morning. The animals are all loving it! It will be in the upper 80’s today so I hope they don’t get used to it. Cool mountain … Continued
Monday July 30, 2018 We woke up to a very chilly 39° in Woodland this morning. The animals are all loving it! It will be in the upper 80’s today so I hope they don’t get used to it. Cool mountain … Continued
Sunday July 29, 2018 About the alpaca cam, I know it isn’t working. I needed to upgrade the security on this website and now I can’t link to any thing that is less secure. I have spoken to the guy … Continued
Saturday July 28, 2018 It’s a beautiful Saturday in Woodland Utah and we’re enjoying our quiet corner of the world once again. :). I have a bit of work to do with my on line store after reopening it. I … Continued
Wednesday July 25, 2018 Well, we’re almost back to normal after all the wedding festivities and family gatherings. It was wonderful! But our normal is pretty good too. I need to put a few more fences back together and catch up … Continued
Tuesday July 24, 2018 Today is that extra holiday you only get to celebrate if you live in Utah. Yep it’s Pie and Beer day again, or Pioneer day if you prefer; celebrating the arrival of Brigham Young into the … Continued
Monday July 23, 2018 The after-wedding gathering continues at the ranch for a few more days but the pace is now one we can handle. 🙂 The barn cats, Garbo and Bogart have returned to the barn, they thought the music … Continued
Sunday July 22, 2018 My oh My what a party we had! A beautiful bride, a handsome groom and love pouring out from family and friends who came from near and far to celebrate their marriage. It was so awesome that … Continued
Saturday July 21, 2018 Today’s the day! The tables and chairs are all set up under the tent, lights have been hung and the dutch oven cook is on his way. The house is full as is about to get fuller. … Continued
Friday July 20, 2018 Well, I think all the family members who was here yesterday had a good time and that is what matters now. It was a beautiful evening for gathering on the back porch and walking in the pastures. … Continued
Thursday July 19, 2018 More family is arriving today and the even the bride and groom will set up temporary residence in Woodland. I got the pastures vacuumed yesterday and the barn area tidied up a bit, so we’re as … Continued
Wednesday July 18, 2018 Ed has been trying to turn our pastures into a park-like setting for the wedding. Mowing what should be eaten by the animals and not allowing any pooping whatsovever. lol This is not easy but he’s winning. … Continued
Tuesday July 17, 2018 The human kids have decided to try camping for a day or two so the house is quiet again momentarily. Which gives me time to observe the alpaca kids a little more. The two gray babies, Geneva … Continued