November 12, 2018
Monday November 12, 2018 Our clear skies make for some very cold nights here. It’s 8° as I type. We have a nice build up of leftover hay on the floor of the girls barn and it is quite a … Continued
Monday November 12, 2018 Our clear skies make for some very cold nights here. It’s 8° as I type. We have a nice build up of leftover hay on the floor of the girls barn and it is quite a … Continued
Sunday November 11, 2018 We had a house full of knitters and teachers here yesterday and I believe everyone who came to learn to knit left as a knitter! Thank you especially to the teachers who came to help us … Continued
Saturday November 10, 2018 Today is the day we’re helping Skacel make 10,000 new knitters. We’ll have a house full of eager students and teachers and I’m grateful to Skacel for donating the supplies to yarn shop across the country. … Continued
Friday November 9, 2018 It’s our first single digit morning as the thermometer here reads 9°. It looks like most alpacas are tucked up close to the barn nibbling at the hay feeders and doing fine. The new kitten arrival … Continued
Thursday November 9, 2018 One of the questions I hear often is “where do they sleep?”, referring to the alpacas of course. The answer is “wherever they want to”. Because we have the dogs to protect them at night, they … Continued
Tuesday November 6. 2018 It’s voting day and the last chance you’ll have for a while to make your voice heard. Find a ride if you need one, if you’re in my neighborhood and need a ride – I’ll drive … Continued
Monday November 5, 2018 After a fun filled and memorable weekend with our grandson I think I’ll need a nap today after I drop him off at his school! LOL All the animals were well cared for and the crias … Continued
Sunday November 4, 2018 Can you imagine being 8 years old and having your grandpa say, “How would you to learn to drive the tractor?” Well that’s what happened and we had one very excited 8 year old on … Continued
Friday November 2, 2018 A dusting of snow turned everything white for a while yesterday but by late afternoon it all melted and things were golden again. The winds are changing and I’m glad we have firewood stacked all around … Continued
Thursday November 1, 2018 Park City Utah does Halloween right. (except for parking which is maddening but probably unavoidable) Main street is closed to cars and becomes one big party zone. It’s swarming with dogs in costumes, people of all ages, … Continued
Wednesday October 31, 2018 Ahhh, Halloween in the country. Do you know what happens….nothing! lol Kids are not going to bother coming here where they have to walk so far between houses so if we want to see any costumed … Continued
Tuesday October 30, 2018 At Blue Moon Ranch we are surrounded by Aspen trees and they are amazing wonders of nature. They have small round flat leaves that tremble or “quake” at the slightest wind, and the sound they make … Continued