Sunday March 24, 2019 Well I think we won this round. All paths were shoveled out and some are now close to bare ground! We had a private tour group here yesterday and decided to get that done before they … Continued
Saturday March 23, 2019 Alpacas are a close knit bunch. They also have strong family ties. Many years ago I sold a mom and daughter to different farms in different states. The following year they both came back to Blue … Continued
Friday March 22, 2019 People are asking me: “When is your next open barn day?” Two things need to happen before we can be firm on that date. #1 We need to see more snow melt. And #2 We need … Continued
Thursday March 21, 2019 For the first time in a very long time, the females and “babies” wandered out on the frozen snow to visit the farthest back pastures. Weather conditions have made a hard crusty top on all the … Continued
Wednesday March 20, 2019 I hear it’s the first day of spring. Hmmm. While my friends are posting photos of seedlings sprouting I’m still taking photos of the snow levels. I think I’ll dye some yarn in cheerful spring colors … Continued
Tuesday March 19 2019 Today I’d like to talk about a topic near and dear to my heart. You’ve probably seem some of the cute videos going around where a human “rescues” a baby alpaca and raises them like you … Continued
Monday March 18 2019 Even though we’re still covered in ice and snow, the birds are telling us the seasons are changing. Yesterday I heard the sand hill cranes announcing their arrival and saw Killdeer flying over our snowy pastures. … Continued
Sunday March 17, 2019 Well it is indeed St Patrick’s day so here is your Irish blessing for the day! May your day be touched with a bit of Irish luck, brightened by a song in your heart and warmed by smiles by … Continued
Saturday March 16, 2019 Another 7 degree morning guarantees we won’t be having too much melt down today even though it will be near 40 degrees later in the day. The news from New Zealand is so painful I find … Continued
Friday March 15, 2019 Well happy Frigid Friday! It’s 7 degrees here this morning. Our icicles are growing longer and we sure won’t have to worry about flooding today. Many of the alpaca girls chose to sleep under the stars … Continued
Thursday March 14, 2019 It looks like the snow has stopped for now and I see five days of sunny weather ahead! That means I can feed the alpaca girls outside the barn and create a little more space in … Continued
Wednesday March 13, 2019 Yesterday we hosted a surprise birthday event/private tour for a family. The birthday girl is obsessed with alpacas and they wanted to bring her in blindfolded. Well if you haven’t been here lately you might not … Continued
Tuesday March 12, 2019 When do alpacas sleep? When they feel safe. And they feel safest in the presence of other alpacas. They all slow down at night to rest, but it seems to me the best actual sleeping is … Continued
Monday March 11, 2019 Well that was fun. I guess Salt Lake City has no snow so our grandson was surprised to find mountains of it at the ranch yesterday. He did help me move hay bales and then got … Continued