Our winter wonderland
Tuesday January 14, 2020 The snow continues to pile up and so far it’s manageable. I can get most of the gates to open and the guardian dogs have made paths that I follow to get here and there. More snow … Continued
Tuesday January 14, 2020 The snow continues to pile up and so far it’s manageable. I can get most of the gates to open and the guardian dogs have made paths that I follow to get here and there. More snow … Continued
Monday January 13, 2020 Another snow storm is hitting Utah today and as the skiers and resorts rejoice, the commuters grumble. The alpacas are getting just a wee bit tired of being in the barn and I see them wandering around, … Continued
Sunday January 12, 2020 It looks like the snow will continue most of the day today, so I believe my trip to the grocery store will be postponed. I know I need to get my inventory in the store recorded … Continued
Saturday January 11, 2020 What happens at midnight under a full moon? Well I can’t say for sure but whatever it was, but Chief and Charlotte were not happy about it! When they both bark together at night we can … Continued
Friday January 10, 2020 Well Happy Friday on what seems like the most normal week we’ve had in a long time! Today we have a break in the snow until tomorrow so we’ll move the hay outside on top of … Continued
Thursday January 9, 2020 Oh my, our beloved guardians dogs were hard at work these past few nights keeping us all safe. Poor dears have been sleeping a lot in the daytime to catch up. However, I think we finally … Continued
Wednesday January 8, 2020 It was a gorgeous winter day yesterday with no wind, white snow on the ground and warm sun. Now we have snow foretasted every day for the next 10 days, get ready. I still prefer winter … Continued
Tuesday January 7, 2019 When our four baby boys were discovering the pastures last summer, they loved exploring and playing together. The four of them were the cutest little boy gang ever. They’d find their mamas when they were hungry … Continued
Monday January 6, 2020 Fires in Australia, unrest in Iran, Illness and troubles everywhere you look, it’s enough to bring the most lighthearted person down. What to do? Help where you can, send financial aid, prayers and comfort to those … Continued
Sunday January 5, 2020 Every morning when I write my blog post, I can see what search terms helped people find this site. One of the most frequent searches is “Do alpacas sleep standing up?” and “When do alpacas sleep?” … Continued
Saturday January 4, 2020 I love my animals and I love to photograph them. But I have the most fun working at the computer editing my photos. I truly believe 95% of photos can be made better with editing and … Continued
Friday January 3, 2020 New snow blanketed the ranch yesterday and our Florida visitors were troopers. (I find it interesting that our last 3 tours have been visitors from Florida!) After everyone left I have the animals feeding to tend … Continued
Thursday January 2, 2020 This is a topic I’ve posted about before but last week I became aware of someone in Utah who received a cuddly 6 month old alpaca baby as a Christmas gift. One single alpaca baby now … Continued