Keepin’ it cool
Monday June 4, 2018 I’ll probably be hosing down some alpacas while I’m watering trees and plants today. 80° is too warm for pacas in full fleece! I can’t let any of them near the creek this week, it’s too … Continued
Monday June 4, 2018 I’ll probably be hosing down some alpacas while I’m watering trees and plants today. 80° is too warm for pacas in full fleece! I can’t let any of them near the creek this week, it’s too … Continued
Sunday June 3, 2018 We’re in the home stretch toward shearing day and it’s going to be a warm week. Some of the girls are overheating a bit so they’ll be looking for extra shade this week. And I might have … Continued
Friday June 1, 2018 Whooo-hooo, it’s June! Gonna be a busy month for Blue Moon Ranch with shearing day and babies arriving. It’s all good! For the past 20 years I’ve heard so many alpaca myths and I think I’ll … Continued
Thursday May 31, 2018 We’re putting down roots today. As in tree roots! Before we built the house we currently live in, an apple tree stood right about where I am sitting as I type. I said I’d someday replace that … Continued
Wednesday May 30, 2018 Our first baby could be arriving in 2 weeks, or today, or in a month. Yep, that’s how alpacas roll. My watch is intensifying each day and I won’t be too far away from here during … Continued
Tuesday May 29, 2018 I know most people love long weekends, but I love getting back to my routine. 🙂 It’s time to focus on shearing day now and making sure it will go as smoothly as possible. The way … Continued
Monday May 28, 2018 “While only one day of the year is dedicated to honoring our veterans, American’s must never forget the sacrifices many of our fellow countrymen have made to defend our country and protect our freedom” — Congressman … Continued
Sunday May 27, 2018 We had a busy Saturday with tour groups and planting projects but then our “happy hour’”was well deserved. Today will be a repeat! Rain might show up this afternoon but the plants and grass seed we put … Continued
Saturday May 26, 2018 We thought we had a great plan. Dump a load of topsoil so we could use it to repair some of the alpaca damaged spots and re grow some areas to make this place all spiffy … Continued
Friday May 25, 2018 I couldn’t hold off any longer. The girls had been lining up at the gate to the “beach” area for weeks. And a few of them are really getting too warm with all the fleece they’re … Continued
Thursday May 24, 2018 I’ve always told my kids, do what you love, love what you do. And they listened! Each of them is in a career or job that they love and I couldn’t be more pleased about that. … Continued
Wednesday May 23, 2018 I remember clearly the first time we drove to Woodland to look at this property (exactly 15 years ago on a Memorial Day weekend) and I fell in love with the green of everything. We were living … Continued
Tuesday May 22, 2018 Animals who need homes always seem to appear in front of me. It’s how we got both Charlotte and Chief! Anyway, my sweet grandson lost his beloved 18 yr old cat earlier this year and has … Continued