Cyber Monday?
Monday November 25, 2018 It’s hard for me to even think of competing with Amazon and the rest on Cyber Monday, but what the heck, I’ve tossed my hat in the ring too. This week my best-selling Yaya Hats are … Continued
Monday November 25, 2018 It’s hard for me to even think of competing with Amazon and the rest on Cyber Monday, but what the heck, I’ve tossed my hat in the ring too. This week my best-selling Yaya Hats are … Continued
Sunday November 25, 2018 Thank you thank you to all the alpaca fans who braved the weather and came to our event! We had people here all afternoon while it snowed quite ferociously and all took home treasures from Yaya’s Yarn … Continued
Saturday November 24, 2018 Yes it is snowing again. This is such good news for our state I won’t grumble even for a second. Yes we will be open this afternoon – please drive carefully if you are planning to come. … Continued
Friday November 23, 2018 The kids stayed over night because of the snow and it looks just beautiful here this morning. More snow is expected today and that’s just fine with us. Small business Saturday event will happen in snow … Continued
Thursday November 22, 2018 Snow is falling, the turkey is almost finished brining and there’s a beautiful fire in the fireplace. So much to be grateful for my heart could explode. No, things are not perfect, but I choose to focus … Continued
Wednesday November 21, 2018 Once upon a time I was asked by a friend to visit her dog while she was out of town. She lives nearby and I love this dog, so of course I was happy to agree … Continued
Tuesday November 20, 2018 Bit of a late update for today. I decided the only time to be at Costco this week would be when they open at 7 AM and that’s where I was this morning. It’s in … Continued
Sunday November 18, 2018 Because we slowed down on our breeding program, I no longer feel the urgency to sell alpacas like I have in the past. My new Motto is breed only what you can feed. I love the babies … Continued
Saturday November 17, 2018 There is an animal activist group in Salt Lake City this weekend and I’ve been warned that part of their agenda this year is to “rescue” livestock guardian dogs. They also open gates and “free” farm … Continued
Friday November 18, 2018 Since we have no snow on the ground and it’s going to be above freezing today, a good pasture clean up is on the agenda. Odin came home yesterday afternoon, he seems happy to be back. … Continued
Thursday November 15, 2018 So how’s it going with the new kitten and does he have a name? His new boy name is Odin, coincidently the Norse character my grandson dressed as this past Halloween. So I bet you can tell … Continued
Tuesday November 13, 2018 We’re scheduling farm tours for January 2019 this week! We ask for 24 – 48 hours notice but if you have family or friends visiting the area this winter and you know you want to bring them here, … Continued