Colors of winter
Thursday January 10, 2019 I did get the dye pots going yesterday and I’m still evaluating the results of my efforts. It’s in a bubble bath in the sink this morning and I’ll know more when it’s dry. My color … Continued
Thursday January 10, 2019 I did get the dye pots going yesterday and I’m still evaluating the results of my efforts. It’s in a bubble bath in the sink this morning and I’ll know more when it’s dry. My color … Continued
Tuesday January 8, 2019 I’m lucky to be surrounded by things I love in a place that is always inspiring me to take more photos. But it never works when I decide – let’s go get some new photos today. … Continued
Monday January 7, 2019 It snowed most of the night with more coming today. But inside the barns it’s all cozy and dry and all the animals are coping well. The wind is ferocious today so most activity will be … Continued
Sunday January 6, 2018 The Christmas tree has finally been moved out to the front yard where it will be a place for the birds to rest while they wait for their turn at the feeders. The house dogs are … Continued
Saturday January 5, 2019 It’s time to think about halter training the babies. 🙂 I’ve already noticed some of the moms refusing to let the little ones nurse and that’s a perfect time for me to step in as a … Continued
Friday January 4, 2018 We launched our next knitting class yesterday and have a few spots available if you’re interested. Class will be held on Saturday January 12. Follow this link for more information and to register for class. No … Continued
Thursday January 3, 2018 The alpaca cam has been fixed! The cats apparently had quite a party inside the barn and loosened some wires in the tack area. Lil stinkers. No other animals have access to that area, but it … Continued
Wednesday January 2, 2018 Well, the house is quiet, the young families have returned to their own homes and we sure did make some happy memories. 🙂 Now the focus shifts back to the ranch and taking care of business … Continued
Tuesday January 1, 2019 Happy New Year y’all! We were greeted by 15 degrees below zero this morning so the kiddos decided to toss boiling water in the air for a science experiment. Actually the kids asked their parents to … Continued
Monday December 31, 2018 Our 2 oldest grandsons (8 and 6) got to ski together yesterday and that is kind of a big deal considering that one of them wil be living in Bangkok for the next 3 years. Their … Continued
Some day during Fuddlemuss Not sure exactly what day it is? Me too! That’s why we call it Fuddlemuss. It’s that foggy time between Christmas and New Year’s when you’re never sure what day it is, but it seems like you should just eat a salad. lol The family is all here, exept for … Continued
Tbursday December 27, 2018 It’s a place of happy chaos here today and I couldn’t be more grateful. Kids and dogs and food everywhere with laughter and squealing bouncing sounds all around. I can always go to the barn if … Continued
Tuesday December 25, 2018 Merry Christmas everyone! Our family is here and starting to wake up so I must go see what Santa brought! 😉 My updates over the next week will be sporadic if at all because to have … Continued