Knitting day!
Saturday June 22, 2019 It’s so chilly here I’ve decided that today will be a knitting day! During our tour yesterday when we went into the Yarn Barn, I realized all my hat mannequin heads are empty! So guess who … Continued
Saturday June 22, 2019 It’s so chilly here I’ve decided that today will be a knitting day! During our tour yesterday when we went into the Yarn Barn, I realized all my hat mannequin heads are empty! So guess who … Continued
Friday June 21, 2019 Happy Summer Solstice y’all! Longest day of the year! What are you going to do today? I just sent my grandson back to Salt Lake City with Ed, AKA Dimpa (his grandpa name) and I’ll do … Continued
Thursday June 20, 2019 Well if it’s Thursday then our grandson will be here today. 🙂 He’s a good helper and so very gentle with all the animals I look forward to him being here. We’ll be skirting some fleeces … Continued
Wednesday June 19, 2019 I love sitting out with the herd on a summer day and watching for cria movement inside the mamas that I think are pregnant. Madeline’s baby was definitely saying Hello! I hope you can see what … Continued
Tuesday June 18, 2019 We had a marriage proposal here over the weekend. I posted some of the photos on Facebook, but here is the rest of the story: I thought we were scheduling a normal private tour until the … Continued
Monday June 17, 2019 Saturday night, I was cleaning up some bits of fiber from the garage. As I was walking in to the house my thumb started to sting really badly. What the what? It’s only fleece – but … Continued
Sunday June 16, 2019 Happy Father’s day to all the dads out there who care for, love and teach the little ones in your life. My hat’s off to you. Put your feet up today and take the day off. … Continued
Saturday June 15, 2019 It feels like a long time since we’ve had a normal weekend around here. We jumped from an open barn day to shearing day and then to a family wedding in Chicago. All good stuff of … Continued
Friday June 14, 2019 It was a good day just being the Yaya yesterday. Now I’ll get back to chores and fleeces and pasture clean up. We did get a bit of a downpour last night so I hope things … Continued
Wednesday June 12, 2019 I hope to be skirting fleeces most of the day today, well, between feeding animals and such. We are lucky enough to have a wonderful fiber processor as a dear friend in Salt Lake City, so … Continued
Tuesday June 11, 2019 I guess it had to happen. We’ve enjoyed country livin’ and the safe feeling of not having to lock the doors. But times are changing. 🙁 In the past month we’ve had several instances of people … Continued
Monday June 10, 2019 Good morning faithful readers! We made a quick trip to Chicago for a wedding this weekend and it was beautiful indeed. Reconnecting with family is always the highlight of any trip to the Midwest. ❤️ It’s … Continued
Thursday June 6, 2019 Well I spent an hour or more this morning trying to repair my web site which told me I was out of space and could not publish any more posts!! Whaaat? But you know you can … Continued