Chief’s adventures
Tuesday November 19, 2019 It was wonderful to be able to open a gate and be able to get to the new 4 acres. We found an old cow skeleton and a deer carcass that has been attracting dogs. The … Continued
Tuesday November 19, 2019 It was wonderful to be able to open a gate and be able to get to the new 4 acres. We found an old cow skeleton and a deer carcass that has been attracting dogs. The … Continued
Monday November 18, 2019 Senior discounts, senior specials, senior residences … when I heard some of my photographer friends talk about specializing in senior portraits I thought “How wonderful to capture our senior citizens while there is still time!” … Continued
Sunday November 17, 2019 Well, we didn’t have a huge crowd for the ribbon cutting event but we did get one access gate to the new property installed before dark. Can you see the opening in the first photo below? … Continued
Saturday November 16, 2019 Have you ever been to a ribbon cutting event? Well that’s kind of what we’re doing today except instead of cutting through ribbon, we’re cutting through a metal pipe fence…. using the services of a welder … Continued
Friday November 15, 2019 Did you know that Blue Moon Ranch is home to 3 much loved barn cats. Garbo, the oldest has been here since 2016, Bogart arrived in 2017 and Odin showed up last fall, just about a … Continued
Thursday November 14, 2019 I’m so glad our babies were born in August, that’s about as late as I like to see them arrive in this area. When we lived in Herriman, I felt fall babies were OK, but a … Continued
Wednesday November 13, 2019 Belle is a talkative dog. 😉 And she loves to participate in our conversations. But she knows that barking in the house can get her in trouble so she uses her favorite ball. It makes us … Continued
Tuesday November 12, 2019 We’re getting back to the routine and it feels good. We have purchased the gates for the entry into the new acreage and hopefully we’ll get them installed this week. That will be a huge dream … Continued
Monday November 11, 2019 Happy Veterans day to all who served and are currently serving our country! We appreciate you and your sacrifices. We’re wrapping up a very fun filled week and weekend. So grateful for family and friends in … Continued
Sunday November 10, 2019 Our grandson loves to fish, and he keeps a few poles here if any one wants to walk to the River with him and sometimes just for fun, he drops a line in the creek at … Continued
Saturday November 9, 2019 A bit of a late update today because I was on my way to pick up my grandson at the crack of dawn. He’s spending the weekend with us while his parents host some classes in … Continued
Thursday November 7, 2019 It’s been a wonderful 70 year ride for sure! And now I can tell you about the most amazing birthday surprise ever. When we first moved to this wonderful property in 2003 with our herd of … Continued
Wednesday November 6, 2019 Part of birthday week celebrating was a folk dance night at our grandson’s school. We thought we were going to watch the kids perform but instead they taught us all their dances! It was actually quite … Continued