Good news!
Sunday July 15, 2018 Thank you so much to everyone who sent prayers and healing thoughts to baby Claire. I am so happy to report that she is feeling better. Her temp was normal and her weight stayed the same, so … Continued
Sunday July 15, 2018 Thank you so much to everyone who sent prayers and healing thoughts to baby Claire. I am so happy to report that she is feeling better. Her temp was normal and her weight stayed the same, so … Continued
Saturday July 14, 2018 Well the babies have their names. The gray boy from Minnie and Silver Lake will be called Harry Potter. The fawn girl from Allegra and Romulus will be called Ramona and the beige girl from Marcella … Continued
Friday July 13, 2018 Well I can’t be 100% sure your positive visualization helped get this last cria to arrive yesterday but I will thank you again nonetheless because I believe it did! 🙂 . Whooo hoo! And she is … Continued
Thursday July 12, 2018 Hey, it worked! I asked my faithful readers to help me visualize healthy births and strong babies and we got 2 done yesterday! thank you! If I might ask, let’s try it one more time to … Continued
Wednesday July 11, 2018 A chance of rain this afternoon might be what these girls are waiting for? Lower barometric pressure really does get things going sometimes. I really wish I could stop fretting over them. But I’ll tell you, … Continued
Tuesday July 10, 2018 The two white girls, Marcella and Allegra are now joined by Minnie our black girl in the race to the finish line for delivering their babies. Then we’ll be done for this year. Family is arriving … Continued
Monday July 9, 2018 So 2 of our pregnant mamas are past their alleged due date by about 3 weeks. It’s one of the mysteries of alpacas that they can have such a wide window of acceptable time for delivering … Continued
Sunday July 8, 2018 Well, we have some of the hay in. Equipment breakdowns and extreme heat forced us to call it quits and schedule the rest for some time in August. We won’t need most of it til winter … Continued
Friday July 6, 2018 The winds shifted near the Dollar Ridge fire and the smoke was everywhere last night. I understand that the fire is growing by 5 miles a day and at this time only 4% contained. Not good numbers. … Continued
Thursday July 5, 2018 About 60 miles from here a horrible wild-fire is raging out of control. It’s called the Dollar Ridge Fire and it has burned more than 40,000 acres. When you see the photos of this fire and the devastation … Continued
Wednesday July 4, 2018 Betty the barn cat who in her later years became known as Grandma Betty was a dear sweet cat. Somewhat feral when she first let herself be seen, she actually lived here before we did. She … Continued
Tuesday July 3, 2018 Our hay has been cut and will cure for a few days, then it will be baled and we’ll get it delivered and stacked next weekend if all goes well. As much as we’d love some … Continued
Monday July 2, 2018 We’re still waiting and watching for more babies to arrive but now the focus has changed. Since the family will be out here on the 4th, they’ve requested that the girls wait so they can witness a … Continued