How’s 2024 so far?

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Saturday, January 6, 2024  We’re finally getting our winter weather as we put the holiday decorations back in the attic. It all seems so normal, except it isn’t. But the grieving for not having the animals here is slowly but surely being replaced by gratitude.  Gratitude for young new owners with lots of helpers. Caring for livestock in winter is not for the fainthearted. Keeping the water warm enough to encourage them all to drink enough, keeping enough hay in the shelters, and fretting if one of them started to shiver are things I don’t really miss!  I did it for 25 years through blizzards and below zero temps, now I’ll leave that to the new owners. And it finally feels OK to say that.

We’re letting the house dogs, Belle and Banjo come out and explore the pastures with us and they are having a ball. Imagine your dog having their own 10 acre dog park!  Lucky pups. Voles are abundant here,  so the dogs can chase down a few and not upset the balance of things. The pesky voles are food for our owls (we hear them every night) so it all works. 

I’m still enjoying my sourdough bread baking. It worked so well when the fam was here to know we’d have fresh bread every day! I’ve named my sourdough starter Vincent and he’s staying very healthy with all the love and attention I give him.  Oh, his full name is Vincent Van Dough.  lol.  I kid you not.

I hope your new year has been a good one so far, Stay healthy my friends and as always thanks for checking in.


Photos of the day:

Nice loaf from last night. Thanks Vincent.


Dogs enjoy romping in front of the barn. The white dog belongs to our son who was here visiting.

The creek keeps flowing no matter how cold it gets.. Luckily the dogs don’t feel the need to go in!


Check out the 25° below zero weekend coming up next Saturday. I’ll be glad to sit this one out in front of the fire!

2 Responses

  1. Sunny Bryson

    Happy New Year! So fun for the dogs since that has been restricted area for them. I would like my own 10 acre park for hell sakes! LOL

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