Gentle Exit

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Wednesday, October 4, 2023  Well our new friends came back yesterday to move the boy alpacas and the dogs to their new home in Minnesota. They flew in this time, rented a truck and loaded the boys into our trailer that they bought from us.  I was a wreck thinking about how they might get the dogs in to the truck cab with them. Blue is a very big dog and he doesn’t like being in a car.  But his new mom lifted him with some kind of magic and into the truck he went where Juno was waiting for him. Closed the door and off they all went. I imagine they are still driving as I type.  Without stops it’s a 17 hour event. Oh my.  But she sent me a photo and said the dogs had settled by the time they were about 10 minutes away.  I couldn’t have asked for anything better.  I waved them off through my tears. It was strangely quiet last night and I found that unsettling believe it or not. I knew when I heard the guardians barking that we were all safe and now I find the silence uncomfortable. Of course there is always the Banjo and Belle duo snoring at my feet to remind me I’m not totally without protectors. 

I honestly believe these new owners were heaven sent and I must be grateful for how quickly we found them or they found us. Minnesota?? Come on, how else can you explain it? Thank you Rockie Top Acres Alpacas for allowing us a gentle exit from the wonderful 25 years we’ve had with these incredible animals.

More blog posts coming next week, I have more to share, but a few days to gather my thoughts seems appropriate for now. Thanks for checking in.

Thought for today: Nothing you love is lost. Not really. Things, people—they always go away, sooner or later. You can’t hold them, any more than you can hold moonlight. But if they’ve touched you, if they’re inside you, then they’re still yours. The only things you ever really have are the ones you hold inside your heart. ~Bruce Coville


Photo of the day: Farewell my handsome boys!


Last I heard these two had been sleeping for most of the trip.

16 Responses

  1. Jen Johnson

    Tears are streaming down my face as I read this. Change is SO hard! But what a blessing it is that they are all going to a such good home. I’m praying that you will feel peace and comfort during this challenging time. You are always welcome at my ranch if you start missing your fluffy darlings. We’d love to have you visit ours. Hang in there, dear friend. Love ya!

  2. Judy Gardner

    ((((LINDA ❤))))
    no words just ((my ❤ to yours))
    The time went by so fast😪

  3. Eunice Interone

    Bittersweet tears for sure! I know the area of their new home, I lived not far from there, and that area is beautiful. You had their best interests at heart and your prayers were rewarded with the best possible answer that anyone could have ever asked for. Thank you for sharing your love of these alpacas with us. Hugs!!

  4. Kristin

    I’m glad it has worked out for all of you, alpacas and dogs included. I love the quote you included. It is so true. Not only about what we hold in our hearts, but what we placed in others hearts. You gave so many of us a gift with your alpacas. And you gave them so much as well. You are in all our hearts. I will miss them, but followed Rocky Top and I know they will all be well cared for. Hugs Linda.

  5. Rolayn Henderson

    Linda – I’m not one for a lot of words, but your experience with having to say goodbye to your babies has touched me more deeply than I would have thought. I love my animals. They are a huge part of my world. I cannot imagine how difficult this is for you. Hoping your memories will bring you much happiness and comfort.
    You did good.

    • Linda

      Thanks Ro. It was an incredibly difficult decision but i believe it all worked out for the best. My memories will stay with me forever.

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