The frogs are alive and well

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Sunday April 30. 2023  The frogs are singing! Ever since we’ve lived in Woodland I’ve been fascinated by a unique spring phenomenon.  Singing frogs! (Not very common in a desert state) These amazing little creatures bury themselves in the ground in the fall, surviving extremely cold temps all winter and then in the spring they come out singing. They love the wet spots in Woodland and thrive here. And best of all if a mosquito happened to lay some eggs in the water, the frog would have a tasty snack. win win! They had to wait extra long for a snow melt this year, but they made it and they are singing! It’s a lovely sound and I look forward to it every year. You can hear a frog serenade by clicking the video below. Happy Sunday!

Video of the day:  Woodland frogs are alive and well. 

8 Responses

  1. Kim

    That’s the sound of summer evenings in the midwest! Takes me back to my childhood in northern Missouri.

  2. Gigi Caito

    Like the sound of sandhill cranes flying overhead, the call of frogs is another welcome sign of spring. May they eat their weight in bugs!!!

  3. Lana

    We call them ‘the peepers’ and it is definitely a sign of spring. We here them on our walks up the road in a small drainage pond. They always go quiet though as soon as they hear us or the dogs. So great you got a video! I’m always amazed how they live through winter and glad they can even do that with your amount of snow and cold!

    • Linda

      Really. I was wondering if we’d hear them this year so I was thrilled to know they made it through winter 2023! They usually go quiet when we approach too, somehow I was able to sneak up quietly and got my video!

  4. Beth

    When I was in Peterborough, NH last weekend the evening robins and the peepers were wonderful. The peepers on the River were deafening. Loved hearing them, since at that time, there weren’t any in Park City yet. At least not at my house 😊

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