Last day of Summer photos

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Saturday, March 4, 2023  Well let’s get the bad news over with. The fencing wasn’t secure enough to keep Blue in. When we first let them out of the garage they ran and played and got reacquainted with the property and the alpacas. Juno was just happy to run but Blue seemed more intent on looking for weaknesses in our system. We watched them for about an hour and it seemed like they were settling down. I went in to get their food and when I came out I could see Blue on Lower River Road. Luckily farmer Ed was able to catch him and bring him home. (this was not as easy as I might make it sound) We looked at footprints and think we know how he got out and we will be repairing that area today.  (we = Farmer Ed)  So both dogs are back in the garage wrecking havoc in there again. ugh.  Why put Juno in the garage if she stayed home?  Because she loves Blue, has never been here without him and she’s too young to trust alone all night.

Now for the photo of the day!  The creek at Blue Moon Ranch is one part of the magic here and the alpacas love it in the spring when they haven’t had their shearing date yet.  The water looks muddy in this photo because they’ve been stirring it up, but before they walk in it’s crystal clear. Green grass, no snow and happy alpacas! What a thought. Have a good Saturday.

Photo of the day: Cooling off on a warm spring day.

2 Responses

  1. Lana

    Oh Man! Spring can’t get to you soon enough. Or us. We’re getting 14 inches of snow today. Now it’s starting to get to the top of some of our fencing. Luckily we don’t have to worry about livestock guards anymore. Poor Blue and Juno. Hopefully you’ll get the weak spot repaired and Blue will stay in. Dang, those Pyrs like to wander!

    • Linda

      14 inches!! Oh no! We have more snow in the forecast but not that much I hope. It has been quite stressful lately to say the least. They do love to wander, it’s how they are wired, I get that. But they simply have to stay within the fencing and I can’t wait til we have some snow melt to show them the height of the fences!
      Stay warm Lana!

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