Healthy snacks

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Thursday, June 30, 2022  Our recent late afternoon thunderstorms usually come with some pretty good winds. And those winds usually bring a few branches of our big willow tree down. Farmer Ed, being the neat and tidy one of the family, gets them picked up and put in a green waste pile to be composted.  But wait!  Alpacas love willow leaves! So of course I undid his cleanup efforts and brought the branches to the girls. You can see the happy results in the video today.  😁

Video of the Day:  Nom nom nom.  There was plenty for all. And I’m sure there will be more.

4 Responses

  1. Gigi Caito

    The perfect solution. Years ago when my kids were small, we had a recently pruned spruce come down. Ruing over that fact that I had just spent good $$ to the arborist to clean up the spruce, I found my solution by giving my kids small hand saws. They worked on that tree for almost an entire summer. Mission accomplished without spending any more $$$ and my kiddos felt productive by contributing to the household maintenance!

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