A perfect afternoon

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Thursday, June 16, 2022  I should have started to open the fleece bags yesterday but I had zero and a half ambition to do so. But you know what? The fleeces aren’t going any where and I felt one more day of resting might be nice. The alpacas agreed with me and we had a lovely afternoon sitting in the shade of the barn just being quiet together.   Occasionally one would walk past and look right at my face, but mostly they went about their day of nibbling bits of hay on the floor and chewing cud. It was just what I needed. I’m very comfortable with sitting in silence and sometimes it’s what is needed. And I think today I’ll open a few of the fleece bags. I have to set up a smaller skirting table under the big tree in the driveway and I’ll spend many hours there over the next few weeks. Happy Thursday!

Photo of the Day:   Chillin’ with alpacas, what a perfect way to spend an afternoon.

10 Responses

    • Linda

      It was very zen. Just what was needed. Perhaps I should think about sharing the experience.

  1. Michelle

    Zen time with the alpacas, would could be better. Sounds absolutely fabulous!!

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