Dandelions everywhere! πŸ˜„

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Friday, May 20, 2022  The pastures are fields of yellow right now with all the dandelions in bloom. And I couldn’t be happier! Do you know how wonderful dandelions are? It pains me to think that most people try to eradicate them. They are packed full of vitamins minerals and other nutrients. They provide a liver cleanse and are a very rich source of beta-carotene which we convert into vitamin A. They are also rich in vitamin C, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. It’s a good place to get B complex vitamins, trace minerals, organic sodium, and even some vitamin D too. Our alpacas instinctively know this and it’s the first thing they look for to eat when they go into a new area.  Smart! Since we haven’t ever used any weed killers here it’s very safe for them to eat all the dandelions we have. And so they shall! Happy Friday! 

Photo of the Day:  Delish!

Please don’t kill them!  They also feed the bees!

9 Responses

  1. Sunny

    Oh my goodness! I just read an article this morning about the importance of Dandelions. I have always drank Dandelion Root tea and their has been recent studies of their leaves being a powerful “cure” for COVID. But I also learned Dandelions represent 3 different celestial bodies at 3 different phases of their life. The plant’s yellow flower represents the sun. The dispersed seeds look like the stars. Finally, the puffy dandelion ball has a similar appearance to the moon.

    • Linda

      Wow! Excellent information. Thanks Sunny. You’re a dandelion expert! I make dandelion root tea for the pups too – as a detox for them.

  2. Gigi Caito

    When in Iceland I noticed dandelions flourish there on their rocky, lava surface. That was fun to see!

  3. Lana

    We have a ‘no mow May’ thrust going forward here and in Maine. So our front lawn is tall and full of dandelions and violets, and yes, some grass. This is all to help the bees. I wasn’t aware that alpacas eat dandelions! I’ll have to watch our crew, as we have a couple of areas in their pastures that have them. I know the dandis help the soil and that they actually fix bad soil! They are also pretty!

  4. Liz

    Hi, thank you so much for the dandi tips for alpacas. I have 3 20yo alpacas & whilst I knew dandis are good for them I didn’t know how much I can give them & if the stems are safe too. Every morning go to a wild paddock & squat for hours cutting the flowers & stems for them. I cut some leaves too if they are clean & not covered in dirt. So can I give them whatever amounts they can possibly eat including the stems? Can I cook them for my dog too.

    Look forward to your kind advice.
    Rgds, Liz

    • Linda

      You are so sweet to cut the dandis for your alpacas! I only let mine graze to eat all they wanted and I never saw ill effects. We had dog that loved to eat them raw as well. I never tried to cook them for the dogs but I can’t see that it would hurt. Best of luck to you.

      • Liz

        Linda, thank you so much for your prompt response & advice. I quickly ushered them into the other paddock where all the dandis are today. They have a ball! Im just a bit worried that as the grass is rather long, there maybe poisonous snakes. Heard alpacas can die from snakes which is quite frightening.
        Just hope for the best.

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