Let’s Lighten Up!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2022  Things are so heavy, you know what I mean? Covid cases rising again, weather extremes and climate change, and don’t even get me started on politics. I’m not saying do nothing – please – let’s do all we can to save the planet, plant tress and support those who have the Earth’s best interest in mind. Be a good citizen….and then can we just lighten up a bit? 

So that is why we have Loompas. I started working on them a few months ago and they are just full of fun. Here is a little more about them if you wonder:

Isn’t is just a gnome? Oh no! Loompas are related to the gnomes but quite different.
Loompas are made by hand of locally grown alpaca fiber with some sheep wool embellishments and are cousins to the gnome. All their hats are knit from our very own alpaca yarn.
They also have some very unique qualities. Read on:

Loompas love to listen.
Loompas will not judge you as you share your secrets with them.
Loompas want to help you lighten up
Loompas have a great sense of humor.
Loompas love animals.
Loompas are pretty quiet.
Loompas love to travel.
Loompas love to watch you type. (They find fascinating since they don’t have fingers)
Loompas are always ready for a new adventure.
Loompas are lighthearted

Loompas are available for adoption for $39. I haven’t had time to add them to the on line store yet, but if one below grabs your attention, send me a message and I’ll make a listing for you.  All Loompas have a tag tied to the top of their hat that explains all about Loompas. Perfect for gift giving.

Photo of the Day:  This is Larry Loompa and he wants to help you lighten up!


All these Loompas are currently living in Yaya’s Yarn Barn. They climbed into the mugs when I wasn’t looking. hehe


This is Lester Loompa. He’s a bit shy.




2 Responses

  1. Paul Richardson

    Your Loompas give a whole new meaning to “mug shot” I think I could be friends with them.
    Take care, Linda.

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