Enjoying life as is

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Monday July 13, 2020  It’s getting harder and harder to write a blog post about anything other that the current state of the USA, but this is not a place folks land to get a newsfeed,  it’s snippet of farm life and hopefully a break from the craziness going on all around us. And I really like to find good things in each day. Did you know that if you find 3 good things every day and make a note of them, in 21 days your perspective on life will change. Negative emotions, fear, anger,or extreme stress produce higher levels of cortisol, a hormone that shuts down the thinking center of our brains and activates conflict aversion and protection behaviors. We become more reactive and sensitive. On the other hand, positive comments and thoughts produce the hormone oxytocin, a feel-good hormone that elevates our ability to communicate, collaborate and trust others by activating networks in our prefrontal cortex. It’s true and can really help your every day life when things seem to be falling apart. But don’t take my word for it, try it! 

Meanwhile, I have finished one more spirit doll, she is probably my favorite so far, I’ll photograph her today and show you tomorrow. The hay is stacked in the hay barns and looks wonderful, although I fear we need more so I’m looking around to see what’s available today. And today I’m grateful that all the people in my family and circle of friends are healthy. Stay well~

Photo of the day: These two are actually sitting in one of the ice cold streams on the new property and loving the cold water beneath them!  So much to be grateful for here! Blue seems to get bigger every day too.

7 Responses

  1. Wendy M

    I love your posts. Thanks for the advice on positive thoughts and I will try to do it every day. Blessings, joys, things that feel good. 3 a day.

    • Linda

      If you can do it for 21 days, it will then become a habit! Thanks for your comments Wendy.

  2. Sunny

    The photos with Blue and your grandson are PRICELESS! I love your topic for this morning and I can testify of its truth. For a few years now I write in my gratitude journal every. single. day. at least 5 things I am grateful for and many times it is just simple things like the bird who visited me on my windowsill as I was writing and contemplating. It has made a HUGE difference in my life.

    Thanks Linda, you are a gem.

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