The water bottle trick

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Saturday June 23, 2018  Geneva’s birth was a perfect textbook case, except for one thing.  The placenta did not come out in one piece.  (If talk of these things makes you squeamish, stop reading now and come back tomorrow for a lighter post ;))  Either mom or baby must have stepped on it as it was being expelled, because when I came back from getting the naval dip, it was half out and half still inside.  The concern is that some of it could stay inside and cause infection if all of it doesn’t get expelled. So I used the water bottle trick. You tie a water bottle with just enough water in it to mimic the weight of the already expelled part of the placenta.  One does NOT rip these things out forcefully! Gradually gravity will help and it will be expelled.  And it was. So there is your helpful tip for the day.  

Photo of the day: The water bottle trick in actionIt took a while but it worked!

  1. Jennifer Johnson

    That’s fascinating! I’ve never heard of that trick. Thanks for sharing!

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