Bird Rescue Zone
Tuesday April 22, 2014 I really love all the birds that visit Blue Moon Ranch and of course I encourage them by keeping bird feeders filled. Our problem is that our home has many large windows all over and we get quite … Continued
Tuesday April 22, 2014 I really love all the birds that visit Blue Moon Ranch and of course I encourage them by keeping bird feeders filled. Our problem is that our home has many large windows all over and we get quite … Continued
Monday April 21, 2014 You might notice that the main cam (under the overhang) has a slightly different view. It’s because we are doing a big barn clean up this year and we removed the chute that used to be under … Continued
Sunday April 20, 2014 Happy Easter! Our family will be here today and we’ll have our annual Easter Egg hunt. Then some feasting and just hanging out at the ranch. It should be perfect weather, and our Woodland frogs just started singing yesterday. With the black … Continued
Saturday April 19, 2014 Five dozen eggs have been dyed, the pasture has been vacuumed, just a little more prep inside the house and we’re ready for tomorrow. 🙂 I have some of the most unique alpaca blend yarn that I … Continued
Friday April 18, 2014 Chief and Abby thought having 26 kids here yesterday was the best thing ever. Gideon thought it was OK. (give the guy a break, he is almost 11 :)) When the kids were told to get … Continued
Thursday April 17, 2014 Looks like it will be another beautiful day here, although it’s only 25 degrees as I type. Today we’re having a group of 26 kids from the Montessori school in Salt Lake City come for a field … Continued
Wednesday April 16, 2014 Even though it gets pretty cold overnight, the herd has decided it’s time to sleep out of the barn. I know being out makes them happy and they do feel safer outside so why would I … Continued
Wednesday April 15, 2014 OK, so it sounded like a rooster in the hen house. I do know what a rooster sounds like, and I heard one crowing … I had just stepped out in the dark to take a … Continued
Monday April 14, 2014 Brrrr, it’s 16 degrees here this morning. Most of the alpacas are out of the barns, but then again they are covered in lots of very warm fleece. Not so with me, who will be spending as … Continued
Sunday April 13, 2014 I really think alpaca poop is awesome. Really! We don’t give it away, we use it to fertilize pastures and plants here, and we sell any leftovers. But, it was getting to be time for the … Continued
Saturday April 12, 2014 Yesterday I decided to open the gate to the creek area for the girls since it was really warm (almost 70!) and oh my did they love that. Lots of running and jumping and splashing around in … Continued
Friday April 11, 2014 What a beautiful day we had yesterday! It was dry enough that I was able to get the entire girls pasture vacuumed, and the alpacas were enjoying sun bathing and dust bathing. Even the hens were … Continued
Thursday April 10, 2014 Thirty years ago today I gave birth to a little boy who during the pregnancy had “no chance” to survive. We showed ’em, didn’t we Nate. Happy Birthday to my sweet son, a genuine nice person, … Continued
Wednesday April 9, 2014 We’re scheduled for the warmest day of the year so far today, so I might have to cave in and let the girls into the pasture by the creek. The boys have already been wading and … Continued