Monday Monday…
Monday, August 25, 2014 Yaya’s Yarn Barn is just about put back together and now I have the fun job of spinning a lot of the roving into yarn before our Open Barn Days. Lucky me! 🙂 Today I’ll take … Continued
Monday, August 25, 2014 Yaya’s Yarn Barn is just about put back together and now I have the fun job of spinning a lot of the roving into yarn before our Open Barn Days. Lucky me! 🙂 Today I’ll take … Continued
Sunday, August 24, 2014 The Fiber Fair was a great success and if you missed it this year, never fear, next year it will happen all over again. We’ve already paid our booth fee to be in the very same … Continued
Saturday, August 23, 2014 The first day of the Fiber Fair was fun! The drive home in the dark and rain… not so much! Today we’ll be there til 6, so come on by and say Hi! Lots of fun … Continued
Friday, August 22, 2014 Today is the opening day of the Great Basin Fiber Arts Festival. We’ll be there til 9 pm this evening. We’ve basically put the entire contents of Yaya’s Yarn barn into the alpaca trailer! Ed gets … Continued
Thursday, August 21, 2014 It’s no secret that I love alpacas and all the wonderful fiber they grow for us each year. It is my favorite fiber to spin or felt or knit with. But I have also fallen in … Continued
Tuesday, August 19, 2014 As I gather all the fiber in one place I realize how much we have available this year! whooo-hooo! I can’t move in the kitchen but it all looks soooo pretty! LOL The Fiber Fair opens … Continued
Monday, August 18, 2014 Yesterday afternoon Ed was working in the boys pasture near the creek and he called me to tell me to get the binoculars and look who just landed. huh? I looked out and saw 2 blue … Continued
Saturday, August 16, 2014 I’m taking a class on “Iphoneography”, and I will admit the camera on my new Iphone is pretty good. The shots you can capture are many, because you probably have your phone with you. (not me, … Continued
Friday, August 15, 2014 Weighing and bagging fiber for the fiber fair next weekend will keep me out of trouble today. It looks like the storms have all passed , so now I can get the pasture vac back out … Continued
Thursday, August 14, 2014 My little 4 year old helper will be here for the day today, so it will be a play and tell stories kind of day. And we do feed dogs, cats, chickens and of course alpacas … Continued
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 I brought a few males over yesterday to test the girls and my oh my did we have some spitting! Except for Smiley, who was acting pregnant up until a few days ago. Yesterday she got … Continued
Monday, August 11, 2014 It’s a beautiful cool Monday morning at the ranch, 47 degrees and the alpacas are lovin’ it. It’s time for me to start weighing and labeling fibers to take to the Great Basin Fiber Arts Fair. … Continued
Sunday, August 10, 2014 Searching for hay every year is never fun, but I think I found a good source yesterday and that is a huge relief. I brought one bale home with me for a taste test and they … Continued