Starting the babies
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 All 6 babies got their vitamins yesterday and I started 3 of them on halters. Alegra, Baron and Ella Mae had a brief lesson learning what it feels like to have me control their head. They … Continued
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 All 6 babies got their vitamins yesterday and I started 3 of them on halters. Alegra, Baron and Ella Mae had a brief lesson learning what it feels like to have me control their head. They … Continued
Monday, February 9, 2015 The babies are due for another dose of Vitamins today and I will get halters on at least a few of them. There is a slight chance of rain, and that will just help get them … Continued
Sunday, February 8, 2015 It was like a spring training day here yesterday. Plenty of sore muscles today, but it’s a good feeling. I’m grateful that this business requires me to be physically active outside. For today, a drive around … Continued
Friday, February 6, 2015 This warm February weather has us all confused. Is it spring or is it winter? The predicted high for Salt Lake City today is 66°. Oh my! The snow melts more every day, and the alpacas … Continued
Thursday, February 5, 2015 The lemon sugar soap is curing in the mud room and it smells divine. Bars will be ready by next weekend. Since all my supplies are out, I think I’ll make a batch of coconut soap … Continued
Wednesday, February 4, 2015 It’s raining … in February!!! Precipitation is almost always welcome when you live in the west, but right now we needed to be white! I’ll spread the leftover hay around on the barn floor to be … Continued
Tuesday, February 3, 2015 Believe it or not I’ve seen some of our local birds flitting around the bird houses starting to look for a place to make a nest. Perhaps they’ve been confused by our warmer than usual weather. … Continued
Monday, February 2, 2015 It happens every spring, but it doesn’t usually happen in February. One alpaca sees a patch of grass poking through the snow and collaborates with the herd to take a fence apart to get to it. … Continued
Saturday, January 31, 2015 Yesterday I found some wonderful local hay to supplement the girls for the rest of the winter and I decided to test my endurance and get it all here and stacked in the hay barn. Since … Continued
Friday, January 30, 2015 Can you believe January is almost over? It will be spring before we know it. My plan is to have Yaya’s Yarn Barn filled with handspun yarn before our spring open house. (May 16, 2015) So … Continued
Thursday, January 29, 2015 Do you ever see an alpaca in the cam view that wears a green coat? Well let me tell you her story. That is Goldie Hann, who was imported from South America in 1993. So what’s … Continued
Wednesday, January 28, 2015 It should be getting colder again with a chance of snow today. Good! But have you noticed the extra minutes of daylight lately? It makes a huge difference for me especially at the end of the … Continued
Tuesday, January 27, 2015 To our friends in the Northeast – stay warm, stay safe, and remember there are only 51 days till spring. It did not even get to freezing here last night, so our snow will be pretty … Continued