Friday, February 27, 2015 We got a new dusting of snow, and everything is white again. 🙂 Today I plan to warm up my photo printer and get those sample note cards ready. Most of my good photos are still … Continued
love those babies ❤️
Thursday, February 26, 2015 Each of the 2015 babies has now had their first experience walking on a halter and lead. Of course Scarlett gets the prize, she acts like she was born to do it, what an unusual little … Continued
Training day part two
Wednesday, February 25, 2015 We’ve scheduled more training for the babies today. Even though we no longer take any of them to shows, we think it’s good for them to know how to walk on a lead. Rusty is the … Continued
More soap!
Monday, February 23, 2015 Be careful when you wish for winter to come back, Linda! It’s 3° at the ranch this morning! Today will be a soapmaking day, I have Lemon sugar and Coconut ready to go and I’ll make … Continued
The return of winter
Sunday, February 22, 2015 It seems that winter has returned to Blue Moon Ranch. Everything is white again, and it is 12° as I type. Our little taste of spring in February was nice, but this is the way it’s … Continued
Photo note cards update
Friday, February 20, 2015 I have invested in a fabulous photo printer, (it has 8 individual ink cartridges!) but I’ve been searching for just the right paper before I offer a small prints and notecards for sale. But I think … Continued
Attitude is everything ;)
Thursday, February 19, 2015 As snow piles up all over much of the country, ours continues to disappear! So I figured I better stop complaining and start to consider any good things about not having snow. #1 The alpacas are … Continued
Paca Portraits
Wednesday, February 18, 2015 I guess it’s no secret that I love alpaca faces. It’s what got me into this business in 1998. I love those faces today as much as I did way back then. So it should be … Continued
Miss Scarlett O’Hara performs at Blue Moon ;)
Tuesday, February 17, 2015 It felt a little more like winter yesterday and is currently 11°. whew! Scarlett and Mojo had their first halter lessons yesterday, and they both did great. Scarlett has always been very friendly baby, but sometimes … Continued
Bye Bye Winter bedding!
Sunday, February 15, 2015 The barn is all cleared from its winter bedding, and this sets a new record for how early we’ve done it. Sure, there will be more pooping in the barn, but nothing that I can’t manage … Continued
Are you happy on Valentine’s day?
Saturday, February 14, 2015 It’s Valentine’s Day! Sometimes I think Valentine’s Day is hard for a lot of people if they’re not in a good loving relationship at the time. So if that’s you, please remember it’s so important to … Continued
Triskaidekaphobia ?
Friday, February 13, 2015 Do you have triskaidekaphobia*? If so, you better hide today. ha Friday the 13th doesn’t bother me much at all. I’ll be outside working with halter training and scooping more beans. 🙂 Found a few more … Continued
Note to Boston : Send it here!
Thursday, February 12, 2015 While we enjoy more springlike weather in the west, our friends back east are getting pummeled with yet another storm. It just ain’t fair! Utah likes to think of itself as a winter wonderland, but that’s … Continued
Pregnant or not?
Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Is she pregnant or not? It’s what we start to wonder at this time of year. You might think it’s an easy question to answer, but it’s really not. I can tell you the exact date … Continued