Happy Friday
Friday, March 20, 2015 Holy moly! How can it be Friday already? I forget that most of the world looks forward to Friday because it’s the end of the workweek. It’s not exactly that way for those of us who … Continued
Friday, March 20, 2015 Holy moly! How can it be Friday already? I forget that most of the world looks forward to Friday because it’s the end of the workweek. It’s not exactly that way for those of us who … Continued
Thursday, March 19, 2015 Occasionally a mother and daughter alpaca pair will be very attached throughout their lives. I’ve seen them separated for years, and later reunited, and it really is amazing how strong that bond can be. We have … Continued
Wednesday, March 18, 2015 The signs of spring are showing up all over. The grass in the pastures gets greener every time I look at it, and we’re hearing more and more sandhill cranes every day. The first official day … Continued
Tuesday, March 17, 2015 I’m back after a delightful visit with my parents in Kentucky. Ed held down the fort quite well and is more than ready to have me take over all farm chores today. 🙂 St. Patrick’s Day … Continued
Friday, March 13, 2015 Hopefully the cams will continue to run smoothly in my absence, and I will post updates if and when I can. I know there is no Wi-Fi at my destination so it might be a while. … Continued
Thursday, March 12, 2015 Living as far out in the boonies as we do, communication can often be a challenge. Our cell phones get reception occasionally, but email has always been what I can count on …. Until yesterday! For … Continued
Wednesday, March 11, 2015 We’re seeing little hints of green come up in the pastures, and the alpacas are wandering over in search of the new sprouts. We keep the larger pastures closed off until the growth is substantial, but … Continued
Monday, March 9, 2015 I will be away later this week visiting my parents in Kentucky. Hubby Ed (AKA my boyfriend) will stay here to manage things at the ranch. He generally does not do any animal feeding, so there … Continued
Saturday, March 7, 2015 Today we are hosting a class on how to safely use essential oils with animals. I’ve been a fan of essential oils for many years starting back in 1998 when I learned massage therapy. Now using … Continued
Friday, March 6, 2015 One of the things most people love about Blue Moon Ranch is the the quiet. You might hear a cow in the distance, or the dogs barking their greeting, but mostly it’s just quiet. That is, … Continued
Thursday, March 5, 2015 Today I have some helpers coming and we’ll get blood samples from all the 2014 babies. This allows us to get them in the alpaca registry, and proves that their parents are who we say are. … Continued
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 It looks like a winter wonderland again here. ❄️ The alpacas hunkered down inside the barn for most of the day yesterday while it snowed. I think they’ll be happy to get out and explore today. … Continued
Monday, March 2, 2015 It’s another snow day for us at Blue Moon Ranch. I’ll try to keep my enthusiasm down as I know it can be irritating to people who are sick of snow. hee hee. I need to … Continued
Saturday, February 28, 2015 Will it snow today? Actually the only way to know is look out the window. I got another load of hay stacked in the hay barn yesterday so snow is fine if it happens. I’m still … Continued