Keep it cool
Thursday, June 25, 2015 I guess I should not complain about our warm temps here since we are always cooler than the Salt Lake Valley, but 88 (our predicted high today) is too hot when you work outside! I’ll be … Continued
Thursday, June 25, 2015 I guess I should not complain about our warm temps here since we are always cooler than the Salt Lake Valley, but 88 (our predicted high today) is too hot when you work outside! I’ll be … Continued
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 We’re still waiting on a bunch of babies but still planning our first fleece buyers event this Saturday too. So let’s say you don’t know what you’d do with a fleece, but just want to come … Continued
Tuesday, June 23, 2015 Usually thing settle down here after 5. But not yesterday! Our annual hay delivery starting arriving about 7 pm at the same time we noticed Lola was having her cria! (The hay deliveries continued til just … Continued
Monday, June 22, 2015 During birthing season, it might seem we don’t pay much attention to our boys. But yesterday we opened up a new area for them to enjoy. It’s shady and cool and has so much new grass … Continued
Saturday, June 20, 2015 I’m really shocked that none of the other babies have arrived yet. Maybe today? Roxy looked pretty uncomfortable last night and Miranda seems ready too. Plus 5 more! I’ll switch the cams around for newborn viewing … Continued
Friday, June 19, 2015 I think I can finally give a positive update on Marigold. It was like she “woke up” yesterday! She had a decent weight gain, stayed on her feet more than ever and acted like a normal … Continued
Thursday, June 18, 2015 Update on Marigold: A very slight weight gain for Marigold yesterday but I had to wake her many times throughout the day to get her going. She did come to life when the temp dropped last … Continued
Tuesday, June 16, 2015 Update on Minnie’s baby: #1 she has a name, we’re calling her Marigold. #2 she has been trying to nurse from her mom. She is still a little wobbly at times, and sleeps more than I … Continued
Monday, June 15, 2015 We have another baby! Minnie delivered a beautiful baby girl about 8:30 am Sunday morning. 18 pound baby, normal delivery, all seemed well. But the sweet little thing never had the strength to nurse! All … … Continued
Sunday, June 14, 2015 So many moms are so very close to delivery, I’m hesitant to ever look away. Of course they might have their cria without needing me there at all, but just in case they do, I like … Continued
Friday, June 12, 2015 Today’s forecast is for mid 70’s and sunny, a perfect day for another cria to arrive. Galahad needs a playmate! Miranda, Minnie and Queen Ester are all close. All 3 have General Patton babies growing in … Continued
Thursday, June 11, 2015 Our new baby is doing great, Patchouli is a wonderful mom. Sometimes guardian dogs aren’t allowed near moms while birthing, but I decided to let both Chief and Abby be right there for the event on … Continued
Wednesday, June 10, 2015 We have a new baby!! Somehow Patchouli was hiding a 20 pound baby in her skinny little body and she decided yesterday would be a good day give birth. She did deliver him under the overhang, … Continued