My Happy Place
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers coming this way today. If things get too uncomfortable I’ll just send my mind to my happy place. Updates when I am able~ Photo of the day: My happy place. 🙂
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers coming this way today. If things get too uncomfortable I’ll just send my mind to my happy place. Updates when I am able~ Photo of the day: My happy place. 🙂
Monday, April 25, 2016 The upcoming week holds a bit of anxiety for me. I have 2 of my leg surgeries scheduled for this week, (Tuesday and Thursday) and it’s the one year anniversary of the death of my dear sweet … Continued
Saturday, April 22, 2016 A rainy Saturday will keep us inside for most of the day today, even though we had some very ambitious plans for outside projects! I think I’ll even make another batch of soap. 🙂 When we were traveling … Continued
Friday, April 21, 2016 Today is clean up the pasture day. A perfect activity for earth day I think. The contraption we fondly call the “poop sucker” saves me hours each week and I’m grateful that I have it here to use. It also puts … Continued
Thursday, April 21, 2016 The girls loved chomping on the tall grasses in the yard yesterday we’ll let them finish it off today. It’s supposed to get up to 70° here today! We won’t put the snow shovel away quite yet though. 😉 Soap … Continued
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 It looks like we’ll finally get another taste of spring weather today so I can get back to some spring projects that were interrupted by the return of winter. We’ll also have the alpacas trim the … Continued
Tuesday, April 19, 2016 Soap making is on the agenda for today – the soap inventory in Yaya’s Yarn Barn needs to be replenished before our spring open house and today is a good day to get started. I plan to … Continued
Monday, April 18, 2016 Well, we’re back and happy to be here. We had a great time visiting our son and his girlfriend and seeing some of Utah’s beautiful high mountain desert. We hit some snow packed mountain roads on … Continued
Friday, April 15, 2016 Well it’s 22° and it looks like a winter wonderland out there. By tomorrow it should all be melted and the pacas will be able to find their grass again. We’re taking off this morning for Boulder … Continued
Thursday, April 14, 2016 Winter storm warnings again? I sure hope they’re wrong on this one. Oh sure we could handle more snow on the pastures, but Ed and I are planning to drive to Southern Utah to visit our son this … Continued
Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Since I am always posting photos of our beautiful alpacas, I am often asked why we don’t take them to shows. So since you asked, I’ll tell you. #1 I never enjoyed it. We used to show … Continued
Tuesday, April 12, 2016 Every week or so I pile all 4 house dogs into the car and we go on a photo shoot drive. Yesterday was one of those days. The funny thing is I found the best photos right … Continued
Monday, April 11, 2016 The green is showing up more and more each day here, and it’s lovely. Of course there is much more work to be done outside now, but it’s certainly more pleasant to do it with most … Continued
Sunday, April 9, 2016 When I picked up my latest order of raw dog food, there were some mistakes in the order so they gave me a big box of bones to compensate. When I opened the box I found some … Continued