March 18, 2017
Saturday, March 18, 2017 The big thaw continues and I hope we can get some of the messy slush moved away from the front of the barn. Our grandson will be here with us today and he’ll get a chance … Continued
Saturday, March 18, 2017 The big thaw continues and I hope we can get some of the messy slush moved away from the front of the barn. Our grandson will be here with us today and he’ll get a chance … Continued
Friday, March 17, 2017 Happy St. Patrick’s Day! How appropriate that we are watching the ranch turn green all around us. 🙂 The only animal who is still sleeping in the barn at night now is dear old Betty the … Continued
Thursday, March 16, 2017 The pasture snow is almost gone! Never fear, we’ll see more, but the alpacas are now out and exploring all day long and even sleeping outside at night. Chief and Charlotte keep them safe so they … Continued
Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Nearing 60° today? Oh my! I need a few more days of warm and dry to be able to tackle the frozen mess in front of the barn but we’re getting close. There is a slight hue … Continued
Tuesday, March 14, 2017 Our snow continues to melt as some parts of the country brace for the biggest storm of the year. We already had our share! Today it wil be near 60° here and that will be just … Continued
Monday, March 13, 2017 It’s been delightfully springlike here and the boy alpacas have decided it’s warm enough to go wading in the creek! They don’t care that they have to walk through snow to get there. Silly boys. I … Continued
Sunday, March 12, 2017 Did you remember to turn your clocks ahead? <yawwwwn> Kind of silly I think, but they didn’t ask me. I did some spring cleaning of my fiber areas yesterday in anticipation of shearing this year and … Continued
Friday, March 10, 2017 We now have the outside cam working! I need to do some rewiring once more of the snow melts but for now I think it will work. Many of the girls have decided to sleep outside … Continued
Wednesday, March 8, 2017 No we did not find the garage door opener. But we did find a way to disable them so the alpacas can’t have fun opening and closing the doors any more. I’ll keep looking. 👀 More … Continued
Tuesday, March 7, 2017 I’m sure one day I’ll laugh about the fact that my missing garage door opener has allowed the alpacas or maybe dogs to open my garage door at random. But today is not that day. I sifted … Continued
Sunday, March 5, 2017 Lots of melting yesterday, yay! Just in time for a new snow storm that rolls in tonight. lol The firewood is still in good supply and we have enough hay for a bit longer so we’ll just … Continued
Saturday, March 4, 2017 Well, temps stayed above freezing all night so meltdown should be significant today. Yay! The alpacas have confined themselves to safe paths just outside their barns, I hope today they’ll feel safe enough to venture out … Continued